All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- activateByCode(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Activate an user by his login, idpId or userCode.
- addExtData(String, Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Adicionar chave e valor no mapa.
- addGuests(Long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- additionalComments - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- addResourceBundle(Locale, String, Properties) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.I18NService
Registra um ResourceBundle para um determinado componente.
- addUser(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommunityService
Adiciona um usuário em uma comunidade.
- addUsers(Long, String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
- addUsers(String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommunityService
Adiciona uma lista de usuários na comunidade
- addUsers(String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
Adiciona um usuário ao grupo.
- addUserToGroup(Long, String, UserVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
ADD user to a specific group
- AdminUserVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.tenant
Value Object para Usuário Administrador
- AdminUserVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Nova instância para AdminUserVO.java
- AlertActionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
- AlertActionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- AlertConfigVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
Vo que representa a configuração de recebimento de um evento de alerta.
- AlertConfigVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- AlertConfigVO(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- AlertEventVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
- AlertEventVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- AlertModuleVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
- AlertModuleVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- AlertObjectVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
Vo que representa um objeto embutido em um alerta.
- AlertObjectVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- AlertObjectVO(Long, Long, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- AlertSenderVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
- AlertSenderVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- AlertSenderVO(Long, AlertUserVO, Date, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- AlertService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de notificações.
- AlertUserVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
- AlertUserVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- AlertUserVO(FDNUserTenant) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- AlertUserVO(FDNUserVO) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- AlertUserVO(Long, String, String, Long) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- AlertVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
- AlertVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- ALL - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskSearchTypeEnumeration
- AllocatedDocumentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
- AllocatedDocumentVO(long, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- ApplicationKeyCreationException - Exception in com.fluig.sdk.exception
- ApplicationKeyCreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.fluig.sdk.exception.ApplicationKeyCreationException
- ApplicationKeyNotFoundException - Exception in com.fluig.sdk.exception
- ApplicationKeyNotFoundException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.fluig.sdk.exception.ApplicationKeyNotFoundException
- ApplicationUserDataService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- approveDocument(int, int, boolean, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Aprova ou reprova um documento.
- ArrayMapDeserializer - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api
Deserializa mapa de array
- ArrayMapDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.ArrayMapDeserializer
- ArticleCoverVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- ArticleCoverVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- ArticleCoverVO(byte[], int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- ArticleCoverVO(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- ArticleCoverVO(String, byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- ArticleCoverVO(String, byte[], int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- ArticleService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de artigos.
- ArticleUtils - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- ArticleVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
VO com informações utilizadas para criar Artigos
- ArticleVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
- assumeProcessTask(long, String, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Faz com que o usuário repassado assuma a tarefa.
- assumeProcessTask(AssumeProcessTaskVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Faz com que o usuário repassado assuma a tarefa.
- AssumeProcessTaskResultVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- AssumeProcessTaskResultVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- assumeProcessTasks(AssumeProcessTasksVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Faz com que os usuários repassados assumam as tarefas vinculadas aos mesmos.
- AssumeProcessTasksResultVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- AssumeProcessTasksResultVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksResultVO
- AssumeProcessTaskStatus - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.enums
- AssumeProcessTasksVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- AssumeProcessTasksVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksVO
- AssumeProcessTaskVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- AssumeProcessTaskVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- attachments - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- AttachmentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex
- AttachmentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para Anexos
- AttachmentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- AttachmentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Nova instância para AttachmentVO.java
- AttachmentVO(String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- AuthorizeClientSdkService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços externos com autenticação oauth.
- AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient
- AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO(Long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO(Long, String, String, String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO(String, String, String, Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- BaseAPIService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Interface base
- BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO
- BPMAssignmentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMAssignmentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- BPMCardIndexAttachmentNotDefinedException - Exception in com.fluig.sdk.exception
- BPMCardIndexAttachmentNotDefinedException() - Constructor for exception com.fluig.sdk.exception.BPMCardIndexAttachmentNotDefinedException
- BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO
- BPMDocumentSecurityNotDefinedException - Exception in com.fluig.sdk.exception
- BPMDocumentSecurityNotDefinedException() - Constructor for exception com.fluig.sdk.exception.BPMDocumentSecurityNotDefinedException
- BPMFileNotFoundException - Exception in com.fluig.sdk.exception
- BPMFileNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.fluig.sdk.exception.BPMFileNotFoundException
- BPMFormFieldVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMFormFieldVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormFieldVO
- BPMFormRecordVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMFormRecordVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormRecordVO
- BPMLocalVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMLocalVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- BPMProcessActivityVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMProcessActivityVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO
- BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO
- BPMProcessStateVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMProcessStateVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- BPMProcessTaskVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMProcessTaskVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- BPMProcessVersionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMProcessVersionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- BPMRenameAttachmentFileFailedException - Exception in com.fluig.sdk.exception
- BPMRenameAttachmentFileFailedException(Object) - Constructor for exception com.fluig.sdk.exception.BPMRenameAttachmentFileFailedException
- BPMRequestVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMRequestVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- BPMUserVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- BPMUserVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- buildErrorResponse(Throwable) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Tratamento e criaçao de mensagem de erro para ao lado cliente
- buildErrorResponse(Throwable, Object[]) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Tratamento e criaçao de mensagem de erro com parâmetros de retorno do serviço para ao lado cliente
- buildErrorResponseTranslated(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Build an error response with an already translated message
- buildSuccessMessageResponse(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Tratamento e criaçao de mensagem de sucesso com código e lista de parâmetros para ao lado cliente
- buildSuccessResponse() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Tratamento e criaçao de mensagem de sucesso para ao lado cliente
- buildSuccessResponse(FluigRestResult) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Tratamento e criaçao de mensagem de sucesso com retorno do serviço para ao lado cliente
- buildSuccessResponse(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Tratamento e criaçao de mensagem de sucesso com retorno do serviço para ao lado cliente
- buildSuccessResponseTranslated(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
- CANCELED_EXPIRED_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- CANCELED_EXPIRED_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- CANCELED_ON_TIME_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- CANCELED_ON_TIME_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- CANCELED_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- CANCELED_WARNING_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- CANCELED_WARNING_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- cancelInstance(CancelInstanceVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- CancelInstanceResultVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- CancelInstanceResultVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- cancelInstances(CancelInstancesVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- CancelInstancesResultVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- CancelInstancesResultVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesResultVO
- CancelInstanceStatus - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.enums
- CancelInstancesVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- CancelInstancesVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesVO
- CancelInstanceVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- CancelInstanceVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceVO
- CANCELLED - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
- CardAPIService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- CardChildrenVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex
- CardChildrenVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardChildrenVO
- cardDescription - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- CardFieldFilterVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex
- CardFieldFilterVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- CardFieldVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex
- CardFieldVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldVO
- CardFindFieldVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex
- CardFindFieldVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- CardIndexAPIService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- CardIndexAPIVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- CardIndexAPIVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para criação de anexo do card index
- CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
Nova instância para CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO.java
- CardIndexAttachmentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para anexos do card index
- CardIndexAttachmentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
Nova instância para CardIndexAttachmentVO.java
- CardIndexCreateVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para Criação de Card Index
- CardIndexCreateVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
- CardIndexFindAPIVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex
- CardIndexFindAPIVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- CardIndexService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece operações para gerenciamento card index
- CardIndexVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para CardIndex
- CardIndexVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
- CardItemVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para CardItem
- CardItemVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
- CardService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece operações para gerenciamento de Card's
- changeCover(ArticleVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Update the cover image of an existing article.
Return the article that was updated in a community. - changeUserPassword(UserPasswordVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Change the user password
- changeUserPassword(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Change user password
- checkConnect(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- CollaborationAppVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm
- CollaborationAppVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- CollaborationSDKService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- CollaborationVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm
- CollaborationVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- colleagueId - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- ColleagueVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.user
- ColleagueVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
- com.fluig.sdk.api - package com.fluig.sdk.api
- com.fluig.sdk.api.alert - package com.fluig.sdk.api.alert
- com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient - package com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient
- com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex - package com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex
- com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey - package com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey
- com.fluig.sdk.api.document - package com.fluig.sdk.api.document
- com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm - package com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm
- com.fluig.sdk.api.enums - package com.fluig.sdk.api.enums
- com.fluig.sdk.api.group - package com.fluig.sdk.api.group
- com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday - package com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday
- com.fluig.sdk.api.job - package com.fluig.sdk.api.job
- com.fluig.sdk.api.local - package com.fluig.sdk.api.local
- com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth - package com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth
- com.fluig.sdk.api.permission - package com.fluig.sdk.api.permission
- com.fluig.sdk.api.search - package com.fluig.sdk.api.search
- com.fluig.sdk.api.social - package com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- com.fluig.sdk.api.task - package com.fluig.sdk.api.task
- com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow - package com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums - package com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums
- com.fluig.sdk.document - package com.fluig.sdk.document
- com.fluig.sdk.exception - package com.fluig.sdk.exception
- com.fluig.sdk.filter - package com.fluig.sdk.filter
- com.fluig.sdk.identity - package com.fluig.sdk.identity
- com.fluig.sdk.page - package com.fluig.sdk.page
- com.fluig.sdk.service - package com.fluig.sdk.service
- com.fluig.sdk.tenant - package com.fluig.sdk.tenant
- com.fluig.sdk.user - package com.fluig.sdk.user
- com.fluig.sdk.web - package com.fluig.sdk.web
- CommentService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- CommentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- CommentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- CommentVO(Long, Long, String, Date, Date, String, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- CommunityService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de manutenção de comunidades.
- CommunityVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
Value Object para Community
- CommunityVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
- COMPLETED - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
- CONSENSUS - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
- containsUser(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
Verifica se o usuário pertence ao grupo.
- ContentFilesService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Disponibiliza operação para upload de arquivo
- convertDateTimeToTimeZone(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestConvertDateZone
- convertMediaData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- convertProcess(List<Integer>, Integer, List<Integer>, List<Integer>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Converte as solicitaçõe de um processos para uma nova versão.
- copyDocumentToUploadArea(int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Copia o documento que esta na área de uplaod
- copyValues(Object, Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Cópia de atributos da camada de serviços rest para objetos internos do componente SDK
- countKeyByUsers(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ApplicationUserDataService
- countUnreadAlerts(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Método que conta os alertas não lidos de um usuário.
- countUnreadAlertsByModule(String, Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Método que conta os alertas de um modulo não lidos de um usuário
- create(FolderVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
Criação de uma nova pasta
- create(GroupVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
Cria um novo grupo.
- create(GroupVO, Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
Create grupo
- create(HolidayVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Cria feriado.
- create(LocalVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Cria localização.
- create(OAuthSdkVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AuthorizeClientSdkService
- create(ArticleVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Create an article.
Return the article that was updated in a community. - create(CommunityVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommunityService
Cria uma nova comunidade.
- create(PostVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PostService
Realiza um post em uma timeline, seja pessoal ou de alguma comunidade.
- create(CardIndexVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexService
Criação de um novo card index
- create(TenantVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TenantService
Cria um novo tenante.
- create(UserVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Cria um novo usuário.
- create(Integer, List<CardFieldVO>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Cria um registro de Formulário
- create(Long, UserVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
- create(Long, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ApplicationUserDataService
- createCardIndex(File, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- createCardIndex(File, String, String, String, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- createChild(Integer, List<CardFieldVO>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Cria um registro no formulário filho
- createDaily(JobVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.JobService
- createDate - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- createDateInMilliseconds - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- createDocument(DocumentVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Cria o documento com permissões e aprovadors
- createDraft(ArticleVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Create an article in draft mode.
Return the article that was created in a draft mode. - createFilter(FilterVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- createItem(CardItemVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardService
Criação de um novo card
- createLocalUser(Long, LocalUserVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
- createLocalUser(String, LocalUserVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
- createLocalUserByGroup(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
- createMonthly(JobVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.JobService
- createOrUpdateTenantData(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Cria um bjeto chave/valor no tenantData
- createPageDraftFromVersion(String, Number) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- createPermissions(String, List<PermissionVO>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Cria as permissões para um determinado recurso
- createPrivateDocument(Long, String, String, File) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Cria uma documento privado
- createPrivateDocument(Long, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Cria uma documento privado
- createProcessObservation(ProcessObservationVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Insere um complemento em uma solicitação
- createSession() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.IdentityService
Retorna o uma nova sessão do identity
- createWeekly(JobVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.JobService
- createWithUpload(PostVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PostService
Realiza um post com anexo em uma timeline, seja pessoal ou de alguma comunidade.
- CropVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- CropVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- CustomAppKeyService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- DAILY - com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO.IntervalType
- DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO(long, Integer, int, String, long) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- DAYS - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- deactivateByCode(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Deactivate an user by his login, idpId or userCode.
- DefaultSearchRequest - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.search
- DefaultSearchRequest() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- DefaultSearchRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- DefaultSearchRequest(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- DefaultSearchRequest(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- DefaultSearchRequest(String, String, Date, Date, DateGap, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- DefaultSearchResponse - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.search
Value Object for Influencers
- DefaultSearchResponse() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- DefaultSearchResponse(ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- delete(long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Remove an article by his id
- delete(JobVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.JobService
- delete(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexService
Exclusão de um card index
- delete(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Deleta feriado.
- delete(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Deleta localização.
- delete(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Deleta localização.
- deleteCardIndex(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- deleteDocument(int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Remove o documento
- deleteDraft(String, Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Remove a version in draft of article
Remove a draft version of article by his id. - deleteHoliday(Long, Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Deleta o vínculo do feriado ao local.
- deleteLocalHoliday(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Deleta o vínculo do feriado ao local.
- deleteLocalUser(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Deleta localização.
- deleteLocalUser(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Deleta localização.
- deletePermissions(String, List<PermissionVO>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Deleta as permissões para um determinado recurso
- deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ArrayMapDeserializer
Deserializa mapa de array
- disable(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- disableForMobileApp(long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageWidgetService
- disablePostEditionAllCommunities() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommunityService
Desabilita a edição de post para todas as comunidades, incluindo no papel de usuario
- DOCUMENT - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStateEnum
- DOCUMENT_EDIT - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskKindEnum
- DOCUMENT_REVISION - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskKindEnum
- DocumentApprovementHistoryVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
VO Utilizado pelo ws para mostrar o historico de aprovacoes do documento
- DocumentApprovementHistoryVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- DocumentApprovementHistoryVO(int, int, int, int, String, Date, int, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- DocumentApproverVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
Value Object para DocumentApprover
- DocumentApproverVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- DocumentationProxyServiceService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- documentDescription - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- DocumentPermissionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
Value Object para DocumentPermission
- DocumentPermissionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
- documentPropertyNumber - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- documentPropertyVersion - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- DocumentRestrictionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
Value Object para DocumentRestriction
- DocumentRestrictionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
- DocumentSecurityConfigVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
- DocumentSecurityConfigVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- DocumentSecurityVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
- DocumentSecurityVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- DocumentSecurityVO(Long, String, Integer, List<DocumentSecurityConfigVO>) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- DocumentSecurityVO(Long, List<DocumentPermissionVO>, List<DocumentApproverVO>) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- DocumentService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de documentos (GED).
- DocumentTaskVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
- DocumentTaskVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- documentTypeId - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- DocumentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
Value Object para Documento
- DocumentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Nova instância de documento
- DocumentVO(Long, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Nova instância de documento utilizando a versão, id do tenant e id do documento
- edit(Integer, List<CardFieldVO>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
altera um registro de Formulário
- editChild(Integer, Integer, List<CardFieldVO>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Cria um registro no formulário filho
- editComment(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommentService
Edit a single comment
- editPost(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PostService
Edit a single post
- enable(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- enableForMobileApp(long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageWidgetService
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- ERROR - com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.AssumeProcessTaskStatus
- ERROR - com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.CancelInstanceStatus
- ERROR - com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessageType
- expand(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.BaseAPIService
- EXTATTR_additionalComments - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui comentário adicional extra
- EXTATTR_birthDay - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante birthDay String - EXTATTR_birthDay
- EXTATTR_colleagueName - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui nome de colega extra
- EXTATTR_consumerKey - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante consumerKey String - EXTATTR_consumerKey
- EXTATTR_firstAccess - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante firstAccess String - EXTATTR_firstAccess
- EXTATTR_groups - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante groups String - EXTATTR_groups
- EXTATTR_iconPath - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui caminho de icone extra
- EXTATTR_idpId - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante idpId String - EXTATTR_idpId
- EXTATTR_locationId - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante locationid String - EXTATTR_locationId
- EXTATTR_metaListId - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui meta lista id extra
- EXTATTR_metaListRecordId - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui registro extra de meta list
- EXTATTR_passwordType - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante passwordType String - EXTATTR_passwordType
- EXTATTR_publisherName - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui nome de publicador extra
- EXTATTR_roles - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante roles String - EXTATTR_roles
- EXTATTR_rowId - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui row id extra
- EXTATTR_tenantCode - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante tenantCode String - EXTATTR_tenantCode
- EXTATTR_tenantId - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante tenantId String - EXTATTR_tenantId
- EXTATTR_userType - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Constante userType String - EXTATTR_userType
- EXTATTR_versionOption - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Chave para informar se documento possui versão opcional extra
- FavoritesService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de favoritos.
- FileUploadVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.document
- FileUploadVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- FilterAPIService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de filtros.
- FilterFieldVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.filter
- FilterFieldVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- FilterGroupResultVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.filter
- FilterGroupResultVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- FilterGroupVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.filter
- FilterGroupVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- FilterOrderVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.filter
- FilterOrderVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterOrderVO
- FilterResultVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.filter
- FilterResultVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- FilterSearchVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.filter
- FilterSearchVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- FilterVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.filter
- FilterVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- find(Integer, Integer, Integer, List, List<String>, List<CardFieldFilterVO>, Boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Lista os registros do formulário
- find(Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa localização com id específico.
- find(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Busca feriado.
- find(String, Long, List<OrderParam>, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Busca feriado.
- find(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa localização com id específico.
- find(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por parametros localização.
- find(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por parametros localização.
- find(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Busca feriado.
- find(String, List<OrderParam>, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por parametros localização.
- find(String, List<OrderParam>, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por parametros localização.
- findActivities(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Lista as atividades de uma versão de um processo
- findActivities(String, Integer, Boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Lista as atividades de uma versão de um processo
- findActivities(Set<Integer>, Integer, Boolean, Set<String>, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, List<String>, List<String>, Set<String>, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Lista as atividades de uma versão de um processo
- findAll() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Busca todos os feriados da base a partir do código da empresa do usuário logado.
- findAll() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa todas localizações da empresa do usuário logado.
- findApprovalDocumentsByUser(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Busca todos os Documentos em aprovação por usuário
- findAssignedToMeTasks(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- findById(Integer, Integer, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Lista os registros do formulário pelo numero do formulário e numero da ficha
- findById(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- findById(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Retorna o usuário pelo id.
- findByInstanceIdAndLogin(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ApplicationUserDataService
- findByLogin(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Retorna o usuário pelo login.
- findByUser(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Procura pelo local do usuário.
- findByUser(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Procura pelo local do usuário.
- findByUserCode(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
- findCardIndex(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- findCardIndex(Integer, Integer, List, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- findChildByCardIdAndRow(Integer, Integer, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Lista os registros do formulário filho pelo numero do registro e linha
- findChildrenByCardId(Integer, Integer, Integer, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Lista os registros do formulário filho
- findCollaborationById(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- findComment(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommentService
Find a single comment
- findDocsInAgreement(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Procura por documentos em consenso
- findDocsInCheckout(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Procura documentos em checkout
- findDocumentsToApprove(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Busca os documentos para aprovação
- findExpiredWorkflowTasks(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Solicitações Atrasadas
- findFavoritesDocuments(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FavoritesService
Busca os documentos favoritos
- findFavoritesProcess(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FavoritesService
Busca os processos favoritos
- findFiltersGroupByFilterId(Long, String, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- findGroupByTenantIdAndCode(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Retorna o grupo por code e tenant
- findGroupsByUser(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
Retorna grupo por usuário
- findInfluencers(DefaultSearchRequest) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
Retorna lista de influenciadores para um assunto(#tag)
- findInfluencers(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
- findManagedByMeTasks(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- findMenuFromPage(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
Retorna itens de menu da página
- findMyDocuments(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Busca os Documentos em aprovação
- findMyRequests(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Minhas solicitações abertas
- findMyRequestsSLA(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como requisitante.
- findMyRequestsTasks(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- findObservations(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Retorna a lista de complementos em uma solicitação
- findPages(String, Boolean, String, int, int, int, Boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
Consulta páginas do fluig
- findPages(String, Boolean, String, int, int, int, Boolean, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
Consulta páginas do fluig
- findProcessVersions(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de versões de um processo
- findProcessVersions(String, Integer, Integer, List<String>, List<String>, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de versões de um processo
- findProcessVersionsStates(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de estados de um processo
- findProcessVersionsStates(String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de estados de um processo
- findProcessVersionsStates(String, Integer, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de estados de um processo
- findRequests(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de solicitações de uma determinada versão de um processo
- findRequests(String, Integer, Set<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de solicitações de uma determinada versão de um processo
- findRequests(Set<Integer>, Integer, Integer, String, Set<String>, Set<String>, Set<String>, Set<String>, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, List<String>, List, Set<String>, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Listagem de solicitações de uma determinada versão de um processo
- findRequestSLAByProcessInstanceId(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como responsável.
- findRequestSLAByProcessInstanceId(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como responsável.
- findRequestsSLA() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera uma lista das solicitações de SLA dos processos configurados.
- findRequestsSLA(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados.
- findRequestsSLA(List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera uma lista das solicitações de SLA dos processos configurados.
- findRequestsSLA(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera uma lista das solicitações de SLA dos processos configurados.
- findRequestsSLA(List<String>, List<String>, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera uma lista das solicitações de SLA dos processos configurados.
- findRequestsSLA(List<String>, Map<String, String>, List<String>, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera uma lista das solicitações de SLA dos processos configurados.
- findRequestsSLA(List<String>, Map<String, String>, List<String>, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, boolean, String, String, String, List<String>, List<String>, List<OrderParam>, boolean, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera uma lista das solicitações de SLA dos processos configurados.
- findRequestsSLAAssignedToMe(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como responsável.
- findRequestsSLAManagedByMe(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como gestor.
- findSLATasks(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- findSocialUser(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SocialSDKService
Find social user by id
- findSocialVOByAlias(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SocialSDKService
- findTasksInAgreement(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Tarefas em consenso
- findTenants() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Retorna a lista de tentants.
- findUnrelatedUsers(Long, String, List<OrderParam>, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por usuários sem relações com qualquer local.
- findUnrelatedUsers(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por usuários sem relações com qualquer local.
- findUsers(Long, String, List<OrderParam>, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por relações entre usuários e localizações.
- findUsers(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Pesquisa por relações entre usuários e localizações.
- findUsersByGroup(String, String, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
Retorna usuários por grupo
- findWidgetPermissionList(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WidgetService
Busca pelas permissões em banco de uma determinada widget
- findWorkflowTasks(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Solicitações Pendentes
- FINISHED_EXPIRED_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- FINISHED_EXPIRED_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- FINISHED_ON_TIME_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- FINISHED_ON_TIME_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- FINISHED_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- FINISHED_WARNING_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- FINISHED_WARNING_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- FluigAPI - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api
Provedora de serviços disponíveis no componente de API SDK
- FluigAPI() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
- FluigMessage - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api
Mensagens a serem enviadas ao lado cliente.
- FluigMessage() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Construtor default.
- FluigMessage(FluigMessageType, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Construtor com o tipo e a mensagem.
- FluigMessage(FluigMessageType, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Construtor com o tipo, a mensagem e uma descrição detalhada.
- FluigMessage(FluigMessageType, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Construtor com o tipo, a mensagem e uma descrição detalhada.
- FluigMessageType - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api
Define os tipos de mensagens suportadas pelo sistema para comunicação com o cliente.
- FluigRest - Class in com.fluig.sdk.web
Super classe para suporte aos serviços rest
- FluigRest() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Nova instância para FluigRest.java
- FluigRestConvertDateZone - Class in com.fluig.sdk.web
- FluigRestConvertDateZone() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestConvertDateZone
- FluigRestResult - Class in com.fluig.sdk.web
Classe para ser usada como padrão para o retorno dos REST.
- FluigRestResult() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
- FluigRestResult(FluigMessage) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
Nova instancia do FluigRestResult de acordo com o message
- FluigRestResult(Object) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
Nova instancia do FluigRestResult de acordo com o content
- FluigRestResult(Object, FluigMessage) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
Nova instancia do FluigRestResult de acordo com o content e message
- FolderDocumentService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de pastas (GED).
- FolderVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
Value Object para Folder
- FolderVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
- formatText(Long, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.MentionService
Formats a text with mentions acording to the given pattern.
- formatText(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.MentionService
Formats a text with mentions acording to the given pattern.
- FormRecordVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- FormRecordVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.FormRecordVO
- generateOrderParam(String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.BaseAPIService
- get(int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
Recupera um documento através do id
- get(String, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Retrieve an article
Return an article published in a community. - get(String, Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SocialBreadcrumbService
- getAbsoluteFileName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Recupera valor do absoluteFileName
- getAccessCount() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera número de acessso
- getAccessCount() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera valor do campo accessCount
- getAccessLevel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO
- getAccessToken() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getAccessTokenURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getActionKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getActions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getActionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getActive(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retorna o documento ativo passado o ID do mesmo.
- getActiveTasks(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Retorna uma lista das atividades pendentes de um processo
- getActiveVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera versão ativa
- getActivities() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getActivityCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- getActivityDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- getActualTasks() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getAdditionalComments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getAdditionalComments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera o valor do comentário nas informações extras
- getAdditionalComments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera comentário adicional
- getAdditionalComments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do additionalComments
- getAdminAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do adminAlias
- getAdminUser() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do adminUser
- getAlertService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Notificações.
- getAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- getAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field alias
- getAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do alias
- getAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Recupera valor do alias
- getAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getAllocatedDocument(int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retorna documento com as informações de checkout
- getAllowMuiltiCardsPerUser() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento permite mult card por usuário
- getAllProcessesFromThisDefinition() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ManagerDefinitionVO
- getApp(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- getApplicationKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- getApprovalAndOr() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera condição aprovalAndOr
- getApprovalAndOr() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor de approvalAndOr
- getApprovalMode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Recupera valor do approvalMode
- getApprovalObservation() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- getApprovalRequired() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do approvalRequired
- getApprovalStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- getApproved() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getApproved() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento está aprovado
- getApprovedDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor da data de aprovação
- getApprovedString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getApprovementDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getApproverType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Recupera valor do approverType
- getArticleCoverVO() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field articleCoverVO
- getArticleService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Artigos
- getAssignee() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getAssigneeCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- getAssigneeLocal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- getAssigneeName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- getAssignees() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- getAssigneesNames() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- getAssignEndDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getAssignment() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO
- getAssignmentConfiguration() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO
- getAssignStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getAssumeProcessTaskList() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksVO
- getAssumeProcessTaskResults() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksResultVO
- getAttach() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getAttach() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Recupera valor do attach
- getAttach() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
Recupera valor do attach
- getAttach() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
Recupera valor do attach
- getAttachedDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field attachments
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do attachments
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do attachments
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do attachments
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getAttachmentSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getAttachmentSecurityConfigurations() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO
- getAttachmentSeqId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getAttributionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do attributionDescription
- getAttributionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do attributionDescription
- getAttributionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do attributionType
- getAttributionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do attributionType
- getAttributionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getAttributionValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do attributionValue
- getAttributionValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do attributionValue
- getAttributionValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getAtualizationId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id de atualização
- getAuthenticationType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getAuthorizationURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getAuthorizeClientService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o AuthorizeClientService
- getAvailableProcess(long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Retorna uma lista de processos disponíveis para o usuário
- getBase64media() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getBlocked() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getBoxData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getBpmnType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getBpmnVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getCallbackUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getCanCancel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getCanceledExpiredRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getCanceledOnTimeRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getCanceledRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getCanceledWarningRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getCancelInstanceList() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesVO
- getCancelInstanceResults() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesResultVO
- getCancelText() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesVO
- getCancelText() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceVO
- getCanRemove() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getCanRemove() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getCanTake() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getCanvasData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getCardAPIService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço de Registro de formulário
- getCardDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getCardDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera descrição do card
- getCardDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getCardDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do cardDescription
- getCardDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do cardDescription
- getCardFields() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getCardFields() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getCardId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- getCardIndexAPIService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço de formulário
- getCardIndexService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Card Index
- getCardService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Cards
- getCategory() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- getCategoryCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- getCategoryId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field categoryId
- getCategoryStructure() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do categoryStructure
- getCheckinDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getCheckinTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getCheckoutAllowed() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getCheckoutDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getCheckoutTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getChildren() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- getChildren() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- getChildren() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- getChildren() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getClientData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getClientId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getClientId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getClientSecret() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getClientSecret() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Recupera valor do code
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Recupera valor do code
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do code
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Recupera valor do code
- getCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do code
- getCollaborationId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getCollaborationService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
- getCollaborationStatus(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Recupera valor do colleagueId
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id do colega
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor do colleagueId
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do colleagueId
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- getColleagueName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getColleagueName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getColleagueName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getColleagueName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getColleagueName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getColor() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getComment() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getComment() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getComments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- getCommentService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Comment's
- getCommentWithoutMention() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getCommunityService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Comunidades.
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getCompanyId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getComplement() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getComplement() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- getConfiguration() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO
- getConfirmNewPassword() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- getConsumerKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- getConsumerKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getConsumerSecret() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- getConsumerSecret() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field content
- getContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
Recupera valor do content
- getContentFilesService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Upload de arquivos
- getControlsSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO
- getCoordinateX() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getCoordinateY() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getCountMyActiveRequests(String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Count all my requests for the specified user
- getCountMyDocuments(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Find and count all pending documents
- getCountOpenTasksByKind(String, TaskKindEnum) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Count all open tasks that matches with kind and status
- getCountOpenTasksByKind(String, TaskKindEnum, TaskStatusEnum, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Count all open tasks that matches with kind and status
- getCovers() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field covers
- getCrc() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do crc
- getCreateDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getCreateDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor para data de criação
- getCreateDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor da data de criação
- getCreateDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getCreateDateInMilliseconds() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getCreateForum() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getCreationDateTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getCurrent() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Retorna o usuário corrente logado.
- getCurrentDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getCurrentPassword() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- getCurrentTenant() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Get the current tenant
- getCurrentTenantId() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Retorna o tenantId logado
- getCurrentUserPermission(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
- getCustomData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getCustomPage() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getCustomURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- getCustomUsers() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Recupera valor do customUsers
- getData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do data
- getDatasetId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- getDatasetName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getDatasetName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getDatasetName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do datasetName
- getDatasetName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do datasetName
- getDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- getDateTimeZone(Object, PropertyWriter) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestConvertDateZone
- getDeadlineDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getDeadlineDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getDeadlineDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getDeadlineDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getDeadlineDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getDeadlineDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getDeadlineSpecification() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getDeadlineSpecification() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getDeadlineText() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getDeadlineTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO
- getDefaultArticleName() - Static method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleUtils
- getDefaultFormFolderId() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexService
Retorna a pasta padrão de formulário
- getDefaultLocale() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- getDeleted() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento foi deletado
- getDeployableArtifactsDirectory() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ContentFilesService
Recupera diretório do artefato a ser implantado
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Recupera valor do description
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field description
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do description
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbItemVO
Recupera o valor do field description
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormRecordVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.FormRecordVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do description
- getDescriptionAfterExec() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getDescriptionAfterExecKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getDescriptionKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getDescriptionKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getDescriptor() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getDestinationDocument() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getDetail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Retorna a descrição detalhada da mensagem.
- getDiagram() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getDigitalSignature() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Recupera valor do digitalSignature
- getDocument() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- getDocumentApprovalHistory(int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Return the approvements history of the document
- getDocumentApprovers(int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retrieve all document approvers and yours status.
- getDocumentApprovers(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retrieve all document approvers and yours status.
- getDocumentApproverVO() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- getDocumentContentAsBytes(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retorna os bytes do conteúdo do documento.
- getDocumentContentAsString(Integer, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retorna o conteúdo do documento.
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera descrição do documento
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor de descrição do documento
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do documentDescription
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do documentDescription
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do documentDescription
- getDocumentDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do document Id
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor do documentoId
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Retorna documentId
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do documentId
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do documentId
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- getDocumentIdFinal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do documentIdFinal
- getDocumentIdInitial() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do documentIdInitial
- getDocumentPermissions(int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retorna as permissões do documento
- getDocumentPermissionVO() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- getDocumentPropertyNumber() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getDocumentPropertyNumber() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera número de propriedade do documento
- getDocumentPropertyVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getDocumentPropertyVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera versão do documento
- getDocumentSecurityConfigVOs() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- getDocumentService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Documentos
- getDocumentType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getDocumentType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do tipo de documento
- getDocumentType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do documentType
- getDocumentTypeId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getDocumentTypeId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do id do tipo de documento
- getDocumentTypeId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera id do tipo de documento
- getDocumentTypeId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do documentTypeId
- getDocumentTypes() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera os tipos de documento
- getDocumentVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getDocumentVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getDomain() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getDomain() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getDomainUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- getDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do downloadEnabled
- getDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do downloadEnabled
- getDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se download é habilitado
- getDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera informação se download da pasta está disponível
- getDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do downloadEnabled
- getDownloadURL(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retorna a url do documento
- getDraft() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor de draft
- getEcmInfo() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do ecmInfo
- getEditing() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getEditing() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getEmail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- getEmail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getEmail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Recupera valor do email
- getEmail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Recupera valor do email
- getEmail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do email
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getEnabledMobileApp() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getEndPeriod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getEndpoint() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getEntityPermissions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- getErrorCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
- getErrorCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getErrorCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- getEvent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getEventKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- getEventKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getExecuted() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getExecutionHour() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getExecutionMinute() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getExpandables() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- getExpandables() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getExpandables() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getExpirationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera data de expiração
- getExpirationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getExpirationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field expirationDate
- getExpirationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do expirationDate
- getExpired() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- getExpires() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento expira
- getExpires() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Informa se a pasta pode expirar
- getExpires() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do expires
- getExpiresIn() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getExtData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera os dados extras
- getExtData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Recupera valor do extData
- getExtData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera mapa de extraData
- getExternalDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id documento externo
- getExtraData(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera os dados extras
- getExtraData(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do extData
- getFailCount() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksResultVO
- getFailCount() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesResultVO
- getFavorite() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getFavorite() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- getFavoritesService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Favoritos.
- getFederalId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do federalId
- getField() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormFieldVO
- getField() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterOrderVO
- getFieldId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldVO
- getFields() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getFields() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- getFilecontent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getFileName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getFileName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Recupera valor do fileName
- getFileName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
Recupera valor do fileName
- getFileName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
Recupera valor do fileName
- getFileSelected() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getFileSize() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getFilterId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getFilterId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- getFilterId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getFilterName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getFilterName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getFilterOrder() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getFilterOrder() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- getFilters() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera os filtros
- getFilterService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço do Filter
- getFilterTimeZone(ObjectMapper) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestConvertDateZone
- getFinalValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- getFinishedExpiredRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getFinishedOnTimeRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getFinishedRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getFinishedWarningRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getFirstName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Recupera valor do firstName
- getFirstName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Recupera valor do firstName
- getFirstName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do firstName
- getFisrtName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- getFolderDocumentService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Pastas de documentos
- getFontSize() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getFontStyle() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getFontWeight() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getFormData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do formData
- getFormFields() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getFormFields() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getFormId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getFormId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getFormId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do formId
- getFormId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getFormId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- getFormRecord() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getFormRecordId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getFormValues() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getFormVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do formVersion
- getFormVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getFriendlyURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getFullCategoryStructure() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do fullCategoryStructure
- getFullName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- getFullName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- getFullName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getFullName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Recupera valor do fullName
- getFullName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do fullName
- getFullPatch() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getFullTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getFullTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getGlobalParameterService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar parâmetros gerais
- getGrantType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getGroupCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getGroupDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getGroupDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getGroupDescriptionKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getGrouped() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getGroupId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getGroupParticipantsCount() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getGroups() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
- getGroupsCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- getGroupService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Grupo
- getGroupType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Recupera valor do groupType
- getGuests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getHeaders() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getHeight() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getHeight() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- getHelpService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
- getHidden() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do hidden
- getHolidays() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getHolidayService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o HolidayAPIService
- getHtmlIdField() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- getHttpMethod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getHttpStatusResult() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getI18NService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar linguagem
- getIcon() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getIconFont() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getIconId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id do icone
- getIconId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor do iconId
- getIconId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do iconId
- getIconPath() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getIconPath() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do path do icon
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Recupera valor do id
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field id
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do id
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Recupera valor do id
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormRecordVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.FormRecordVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterOrderVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do id
- getId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do id
- getIdentityService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
- getIdpId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do idpId
- getIdpLogOff() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do idpLogOff
- getImage() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getImpl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- getImutable() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento é imultavel
- getImutable() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera boolean se pasta é imutavel
- getImutable() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do imutable
- getIndexed() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento é indexado
- getInheritFormSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getInheritSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do inheritSecurity
- getInheritSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do inheritSecurity
- getInheritSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Retorna se o documento herda as propriedades do parent
- getInheritSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera segurança herdada
- getInheritSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do inheritSecurity
- getInitialProcessState() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do initialProcessState
- getInitialValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- getInstanceIdFinal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do instanceIdFinal
- getInstanceIdInitial() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do instanceIdInitial
- getInstructions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getIntegrationType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getInternalVisualizer() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento pode ser visualizado internamente.
- getInternalVisualizer() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor de visualizador interno
- getInternalVisualizer() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do internalVisualizer
- getInterval() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getIntervalDescriptions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getIntervalType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getIsActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Return user status
- getIsAdmin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getIsCommunityAdmin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getIsInternal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Recupera valor do isInternal
- getIsModerator() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getIsPublic() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- getIsSelected() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- getIssuedTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getItems() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- getItems() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbVO
- getIterationSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getJndiName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getJobId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getJobService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para Jobs do agendador de tarefas
- getJobType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getKey(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CustomAppKeyService
- getKeyWord() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor de palavra chave
- getKeyWord() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor da palavra chave
- getKeyWord() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field keyWord
- getKeyWord() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do keyWord
- getLabel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getLanguageId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id da linguagem
- getLanguageId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do languageId
- getLastExecution() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor da última data de moficação
- getLastModifiedTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera última data de modificação
- getLastName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- getLastName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getLastName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Recupera valor do lastName
- getLastName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Recupera valor do lastName
- getLastName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do lastName
- getLastUpdate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getLastUpdate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getLastUpdateDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- getLeft() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- getLevelDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Recupera valor do levelDescription
- getLevelId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getLevelId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Recupera valor do levelId
- getLimit() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getLimit() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- getLink() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getLocal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- getLocalId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- getLocalIds() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- getLocalNames() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- getLocals() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- getLocalService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o LocalAPIService
- getLocalUsers() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- getLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- getLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- getLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Recupera valor do login
- getLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Recupera valor do login
- getLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- getLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do login
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- getMail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- getMainAttachmentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getMainAttachmentDocumentVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getMap() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbVO
- getMaxUploadSize() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GlobalParameterService
- getMaxUploadSizeForConnect() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GlobalParameterService
Retorna o tamanho configurado, do máximo de upload pelo fluig Connect
- getMediaId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- getMediaName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- getMediaType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- getMediaVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- getMediaVO() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Recupera o valor do
- getMentions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getMessage() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Retorna a mensagem.
- getMessage() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getMessage() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- getMessage() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
Recupera valor do message
- getMetaListId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do metaListId
- getMethod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getMethod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getMobile() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getMobileReady() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getMobileReady() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getModule() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getModuleKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- getMovementHour() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- getMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do name
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- getName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- getNewPassword() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- getNextExecution() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getNextOrPrev(Long, Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Retrive the next or previous article of one specific article.
Return the article that is the next or previous of the article passed by parameter. - getNote() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getNotificationDays() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do notificationDays
- getNotifyUser() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera boolean se usuário será notificado
- getNumberComments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getNumberDenouncements() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getNumberFollowers() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getNumberFollowing() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getNumberFriends() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getNumberLikes() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getNumberModerations() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getNumberParticipations() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getNumberShares() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getNumberWatchs() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera valor do campo numberWatchs
- getOauthCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getObject() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getObjectClass() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getObjectClass() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getObjectDetail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getObjectDetailKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getObservation() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getObservation() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getObservationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getOffset() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getOffset() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- getOffset() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- getOnCheckout() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento está em checkout
- getOnlyAdmin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getOnTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- getOpenExpiredRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getOpenOnTimeRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getOpenRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getOpenWarningRequests() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- getOpenWorkflowTasksInPool(String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Gets all groups and roles which contains tasks in pool
- getOperator() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- getOptionField() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- getOptions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getOrder() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterOrderVO
- getOrder() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- getOrdering() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getOrderPosition() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getOrdinalNumber() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getOrganizationUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do organizationUrl
- getOriginalMovementSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- getPageCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- getPageCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getPageIcon() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getPageId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getPageService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar paginas
- getPageWidgetService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
- getParams() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getParams() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id do pai do documento
- getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do parentDocumentId
- getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do parentDocumentId
- getParentDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do parentDocumentId
- getParentFolderId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor do id da pasta pai
- getParentPageCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getParentRequestId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getPassword() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getPassword() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Recupera valor do password
- getPassword() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do password
- getPasswordConfirmation() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getPath() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getPathName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getPattern() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getPattern() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- getPendentApprovals(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Return users pendent to approve a document
- getPercentageConcluded() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getPercentageConcluded() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getPeriod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getPeriodId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getPeriodId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getPermission() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getPermission() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- getPermission() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getPermission() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getPermissionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- getPermissions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera lista de permissões
- getPermissions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do permissions
- getPermissionsByResourceCode(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Lista as permissões do recurso informado
- getPermissionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera o tipo de permissão
- getPermissionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera tipo de permissão
- getPermissionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do permissionType
- getPersistenceType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getPersistenceType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do persistenceType
- getPersistenceType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do persistenceType
- getPhisicalFile() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getPhisicalFile() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera arquivo fisico
- getPhisicalFileSize() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getPhisicalFileSize() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do tamanho do arquivo fisico
- getPictureId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getPictureName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getPlace() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getPosition() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getPostService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Post's
- getPrincipal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- getPrincipal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Recupera valor do principal
- getPrincipal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getPrincipal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
Recupera valor do principal
- getPrincipal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
Recupera valor do principal
- getPriority() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getPriority() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera prioridade
- getPrivateColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor id privado do colega
- getPrivateContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Recupera valor do privateContent
- getPrivateDocument() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento é privado
- getPrivateDocument() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera boolean se documento é privado
- getPrivateDocument() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do privateDocument
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do processDescription
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVO
Recupera valor do processDescription
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getProcessDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getProcessesUnderManagement() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ManagerDefinitionVO
- getProcessFilters(boolean, boolean, String, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do processId
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVO
Recupera valor do processId
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getProcessId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getProcessInstanceId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getProcessName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getProcessVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getProcessVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getProcessVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getProcessVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getProcessVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getProcessVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getProcessVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getProcessVersion(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Retorna a versão de um processo.
- getProviderName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getPublicationDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field publicationDate
- getPublisherApprovers() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera lista de publicadores aprovadores
- getPublisherApprovers() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do publisherApprovers
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id do publicador
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera id do publicador
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field publisherId
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do publisherId
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do publisherId
- getPublisherName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getPublisherName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getRadius() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getRadius() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- getRead() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getReceiver() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getRecurrenceExpression() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getRedirectUri() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getRefreshTokenURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getRelatedDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Retorna relatedDocumentId
- getRelatedDocuments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do relatedDocuments
- getRelatedFiles() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recuprea arquivos relacionados
- getRemainingTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO
- getRemainingTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getRemainingTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getRemoveVolume() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do removeVolume
- getReplacedId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceVO
- getReplacementId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- getRequester() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getRequester() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getRequesterCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getRequesterCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getRequesterId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getRequesterLocal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getRequesterName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getRequesterName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getRequesterName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getRequestMethod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getRequestTokenURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getRequired() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getRequiresPassword() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getRestrictions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera lista de restrições de documentos
- getRestrictions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do restrictions
- getRestrictionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera tipo de restrição
- getRestrictionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera tipo de restrição
- getRestrictionType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do restrictionType
- getResult() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getResumedTasksForPool(Map<String, Long>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Gets and mount the entire VO with related groups or roles inside the object
- getRoleCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getRoleDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getRoleId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getRoles() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
- getRolesCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- getRowId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do rowId
- getRowId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getScope() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getSearchLevel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getSearchService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para efetuar pesquisas
- getSearchType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getSecurityLevel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do securityLevel
- getSecurityLevel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do securityLevel
- getSecurityLevel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getSecurityLevel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- getSecurityLevel() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera valor do campo securityLevel
- getSecurityService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o SecurityService
- getSecurityVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do securityVersion
- getSecurityVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do securityVersion
- getSecurityVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getSelected() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- getSelectedColleagueId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- getSenders() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- getSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Recupera valor do sequence
- getSerialversionuid() - Static method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getSerialVersionUID() - Static method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardChildrenVO
- getSerialVersionUID() - Static method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- getServerURL() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
Retorna o endereco emque o servidor foi instalado
- getServiceCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getServiceTestUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getServiceUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getSession() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getShowContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Recupera valor do showContent
- getShowContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Recupera valor do showContent
- getShowContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getSignatureMethod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getSingleDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getSingleDescriptionKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- getSiteCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do código do site
- getSlaStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getSlaStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getSlot() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- getSlotId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getSociable() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field sociableVO
- getSociableId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getSociableObjectId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Recupera valor do sociableObjectId
- getSociableParentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getSociableType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getSocialBreadcrumbService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Breadcrumb do Social
- getSocialObjectId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field socialObjectId
- getSocialService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço do social
- getSourceDocument() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getSourceDocumentId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getSourceDocumentVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getSourceProcess() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getSourceThreadSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getSourceVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- getSpentTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO
- getSpentTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getSpentTime() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getStartDateInMillis() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getStartDateProcess() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getStartDateTask() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getStarted() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getStartPeriod() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- getState() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- getState() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getState() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getStateDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getStateDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Recupera valor do stateDescription
- getStateDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getStateId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getStateName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getStateName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Recupera valor do stateName
- getStateName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getStateSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getStateSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getStateType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- getStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- getStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- getStatus() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getStatusRequest() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getStatusSla() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getStatusTask() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getStrParams() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getStrParams() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getSuccessCount() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksResultVO
- getSuccessCount() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesResultVO
- getTags() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getTags(String, String, List<String>, Integer, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TagsCloudService
Pesquisa por TAGS mais populares baseado em um conjunto de parâmetros.
- getTagsCloudService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o servico de tagscloud
- getTarget() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- getTaskDeadline() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getTaskId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- getTaskInfo() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getTaskObservations() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getTasks() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getTasksInfo() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- getTasksService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera serviço para tratar Tasks.
- getTenantActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera o valor para tenantActive
- getTenantData(String[]) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TenantService
Retorna, caso houver, objeto chaves/valores do tenantData
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id do tenant
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor do tenantId
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Retorna tenantId
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Recupera valor do tenantId
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Recupera valor do tenantId
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do tenantId
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do tenantId
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Recupera valor do tenantId
- getTenantService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para Tenant
- getTenantTotalOfNotification() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Get the number of notification in the tenant
- getTenantUserLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- getText() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Recupera valor do text
- getTextDecoration() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getThreadSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- getThreadSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getThreadSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- getThumbnailEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do thumbnailEnabled
- getThumbURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getTimeElapsed() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- getTimeoutService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- getTimeUnit() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- getTimezone() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- getTimezone() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- getTimezone() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor ao timezone
- getTimezone(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Busca o timezone pela latitude e longitude informada.
- getTimeZoneLocalUser(long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
- getTitle() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- getTitle() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getToken() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- getToken() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getTokenAccess() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getTokenAccess() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Retorna tokenAccess
- getTokenSecret() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- getTokenSecret() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getTokenSecret() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Retorna token secret
- getTop() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- getTopicId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do id do topico
- getTopicId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera id do topico
- getTopicId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field topicId
- getTopicId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do topicId
- getTotal() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- getTotalHits() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- getTotalTask() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- getTransferActiveDocuments() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do transferActiveDocuments
- getTransferApprovals() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do transferApprovals
- getTransferApprovers() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do transferApprovers
- getTransferDocumentSecurity() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do transferDocumentSecurity
- getTransferMyDocumentsInApproval() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do transferMyDocumentsInApproval
- getTransferOpenWorkflow() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do transferOpenWorkflow
- getTransferPendingWorkflow() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do transferPendingWorkflow
- getTransferredSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- getTransferredSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- getTransferSequence() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getTranslated() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento é traduzido
- getType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Retorna o tipo da mensagem.
- getType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- getType() - Method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskSearchTypeEnumeration
- getType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getType() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- getTypeCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- getTypeDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getTypeDescriptionKey() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- getUnknownManagement() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ManagerDefinitionVO
- getUpdateDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getUpdateInterval() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- getUpdateIsoProperties() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera updateIsoProperties
- getUpdateIsoProperties() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera informação se update de iso properties é permitido
- getUpdateIsoProperties() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do updateIsoProperties
- getUpdateVersions() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO
- getUploaderLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- getUploadId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera o identificador do upload
- getUploadId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- getUri() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- getUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- getUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbItemVO
Recupera o valor do field url
- getUrl() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getUrlResult(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentationProxyServiceService
- getUser() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- getUser() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- getUser() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field user
- getUser(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Deprecated.Em alguns casos pode retornar o usuário errado. Utilize o método
. - getUserAlias() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getUserAuthorizationURL() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getUserCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- getUserData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- getUserEmail() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getUserFrom() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do userFrom
- getUserFullName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getUserId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- getUserId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getUserIdIdp() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- getUserLogin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getUsername() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- getUserName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- getUserName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- getUserName() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- getUserNotify() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se usuário será notificado
- getUserNotify() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do userNotify
- getUserPermissions(Integer, Integer, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Retorna a permissão do usuário em um documento.
- getUserService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Usuário
- getUserTenantId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- getUserTo() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Recupera valor do userTo
- getUserUUID() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Recupera valor do userUUID
- getUUID() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor do UUID
- getValidationStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera data de inicio de validação
- getValidationStartDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do validationStartDate
- getValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldVO
- getValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormFieldVO
- getValue() - Method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- getValue() - Method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- getValue() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- getValueExtData(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Retorna objeto no mapa
- getValues() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardChildrenVO
- getValues() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor da versão
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor da versão
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Retorna versão
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field version
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormRecordVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do version
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.FormRecordVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do version
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- getVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- getVersionAction() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera a ação que serão realizada em relaão a versão documento
- getVersionAction() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- getVersionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera descrição da versão
- getVersionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera valor da descrição da versão
- getVersionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do versionDescription
- getVersionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Recupera valor do versionDescription
- getVersionDescription() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- getVersionOption() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Recupera valor do versionOption
- getVia() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- getViewJustProcessWithApproval() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GlobalParameterService
retorna se a empresa irá mostrar somente as tarefas configuradas para o app approval nos dispositivos mobile
- getVisibility() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Recupera valor do visibility
- getVisualization() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera visualização
- getVolumeDir() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Recupera valor do volumeDir
- getVolumeId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera id do volume
- getVolumeId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Recupera id do volume
- getWantReceive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- getWarning() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- getWarningDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- getWarningDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- getWarningDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- getWarningDate() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- getWatermarkId() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Recupera valor, se documento tem marca d'água
- getWidgetPreferences(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
Recupera os valores de preferências para uma instância de uma widget.
- getWidgets() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- getWidgetService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço de widgets
- getWidth() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- getWidth() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- getWindowHeight() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
Recupera o valor do field windowHeight
- getWindowWidth() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
Recupera o valor do field windowWidth
- getWorkflowService() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigAPI
Recupera o serviço para tratar Workflow
- GlobalParameterService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Grant access to global parameter services
- grantWidgetDefaultPermission(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WidgetService
Adiciona as permissões padrão de um widget
- groupedSearch(DefaultSearchRequest) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
Retorna uma lista de resultados agrupadas
- groupedSearchByType(DefaultSearchRequest) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
Retorna uma lista de resultados agrupadas por tipo
- GroupService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de grupos.
- GroupVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.group
Value Object para Group
- GroupVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Nova instância para GroupVO.java
- GroupVO(Long, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Nova instância para GroupVO.java com id, code e description
- GroupVO(String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Nova instância para GroupVO.java com code e description
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- hashCode() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- hasMobileAnnotation(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Verifica se tem a anotação de Mobile.
- hasPermission(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Verifica se o usuário logado possui certa permissão no recurso dado.
- hide(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- HolidayAPIService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- HolidayVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday
- HolidayVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- HOURS - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- I18NService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de internacioinalização.
- IdentityService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Grant access to global parameter services
- importProcess(String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Importa um processo via XML
- importProcess(String, String, Integer, Boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Importa um processo via XML
- INFO - com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessageType
Informações gerais.
- invoke(AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AuthorizeClientSdkService
- invoke(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AuthorizeClientSdkService
- invokeService(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AuthorizeClientSdkService
- isActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- isActive() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- isActiveVersion() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- isApprovalRequired() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- isApproved() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
- isCanDownloadDocument(Long, int, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
- isDefaultLocale() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- isDocumentDeleted(Long, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
- isDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- isDraft() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field draft
- isExpired() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- isExpires() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field expires
- isFavorite() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
- isHidden() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- isKnow() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- isMention() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- isMobileEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- isMobileEnabled() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- isMobileReady() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
- isMobileRequest() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Verifica se é uma requisição mobile
- isOnlyMyFilters() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- isPrivateContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- isPublicFilter() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- isRecurrent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- isRegexDateTime(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestConvertDateZone
- isSensitiveData() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- isShowContent() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- isSigned() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- isSolrAvailable() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- isTenantAdmin() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- isUseLike() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- isUserNotify() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera o valor do field userNotify
- isViewedDocument() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Recupera valor do campo viewedDocument
- isVisible() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ApplicationUserDataService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AuthorizeClientSdkService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommentService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommunityService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ContentFilesService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CustomAppKeyService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentationProxyServiceService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FavoritesService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GlobalParameterService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.I18NService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.IdentityService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.JobService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.MentionService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageWidgetService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PostService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SocialBreadcrumbService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SocialSDKService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TagsCloudService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TenantService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WidgetService
- JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ApplicationUserDataService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AuthorizeClientSdkService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommentService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommunityService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ContentFilesService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CustomAppKeyService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentationProxyServiceService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FavoritesService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GlobalParameterService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.I18NService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.IdentityService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.JobService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.MentionService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageWidgetService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PostService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SocialBreadcrumbService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SocialSDKService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TagsCloudService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TenantService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WidgetService
- JNDI_REMOTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- JobService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso a serviços de Job Scheduler.
- JobVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.job
VO com informações utilizadas para criar Jobs
- JobVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- JobVO.IntervalType - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.job
- jsonToMap(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
Converão de objeto json para Mapa
- jsonToObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRest
- KeyVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey
- KeyVO(String, Long, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- lastModifiedDate - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- LEARN - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStateEnum
- list(int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
Recupera lista de documentos através do id da pasta
- list(int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
Recupera lista de documentos através do id da pasta
- list(int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
- list(Integer, Integer, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.JobService
- list(String, Long, Integer, Integer, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Retrieve a list of article
Return a list of article published in a community. - list(String, String, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Pesquisa por usuários baseado em um conjunto de parâmetros.
- list(Map<String, Object>, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Pesquisa por usuários baseado em um conjunto de parâmetros.
- listAlertsWithAction(int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Busca os alertas com ação vinculada, do usuário logado ordenado pela data de criação.
- listAlertsWithNote(int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Busca os alertas com nota, do usuário logado ordenado pela data de criação.
- listAll(String, String, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
Pesquisa por usuários ativos e inativos baseado em um conjunto de parâmetros.
- listAllAlerts(int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Retorna todas as notificações do usuário logado ordenadas pela data de criação.
- listAllAlertsByModule(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Retorna todas as notificações de um usuário por um único módulo
- listAllWidgetsPermission() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WidgetService
Lista as permissões de todas as widgets
- listApps() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- listCollaborators(Long, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- listData(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
List all user data specfying the login
- listDocumentsByFolder(FolderVO, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
Retorna os documentos de uma pasta
- listGroups(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
list the groups from a specific user
- listProcess(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Retorna todos os processos da empresa.
- listResourcesByCategory(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Lista os recursos da categoria informada
- listRoles(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
List user roles specfying the login
- listSlaProcess() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Retorna todos os processos da empresa.
- listTenantAdmins(Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SecurityService
Retorna os admins de um tenant
- LocalAPIService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- LocalUserVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.local
- LocalUserVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- LocalVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.local
- LocalVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- MANAGER_OR_SUBSTITUTE - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskSearchTypeEnumeration
- ManagerDefinitionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ManagerDefinitionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ManagerDefinitionVO
- markAlertAsRead(String, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Método marca os alertas informados de um usuario tambem dado como lidos
- markAllAlertsAsRead(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Método marca todos os alertas de um usuario como lidos.
- MAX_INFLUENCERS_RESULT - Static variable in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
- MediaVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
Value Object para Media
- MediaVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- MediaVO(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- MentionService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de menções.
- Message() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.RestViews.Message
- Mobile() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.RestViews.Mobile
- mobileMapping(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- MONTHLY - com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO.IntervalType
- NEW - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
- OAuthSdkVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth
- OAuthSdkVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- OPEN_EXPIRED_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- OPEN_EXPIRED_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- OPEN_ON_TIME_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- OPEN_ON_TIME_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- OPEN_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- OPEN_WARNING_REQUESTS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
- OPEN_WARNING_TASKS - com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
- OPENED - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskSearchTypeEnumeration
- pageHistory(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- PageMobileApiVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.page
- PageMobileApiVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- PageService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso a serviços de segurança.
- PageWidgetMobileApiVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.page
- PageWidgetMobileApiVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- PageWidgetService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- parentDocumentId - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- PARTICIPATED - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskSearchTypeEnumeration
- patch(LocalVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Atualiza parametros específicos da localização.
- patch(Long, HolidayVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Atualiza feriado.
- patch(String, LocalVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Atualiza parametros específicos da localização.
- patchCardIndex(File, Integer, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- PAUSED - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
- PermissionAssetVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.permission
- PermissionAssetVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- PermissionAssetVO(Long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- PermissionAssetVO(Long, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- PermissionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.permission
- PermissionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- PermissionVO(String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- phisicalFile - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- PostService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de post.
- PostVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
Value Object para Post
- PostVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
- PostVO(String, String, String, List<Long>, Long) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
- PROCESS - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStateEnum
- ProcessAttachmentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ProcessAttachmentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- ProcessDefinitionVersionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para ProcessDefinitionVersion
- ProcessDefinitionVersionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
- ProcessDefinitionVersionVO(long, String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Cria uma instância do ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
- ProcessDefinitionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para ProcessDefinition
- ProcessDefinitionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVO
- ProcessDefinitionVO(String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVO
Cria uma instância do ProcessDefinitionVO
- processId - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- ProcessInstanceInfoVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ProcessInstanceInfoVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- ProcessObservationVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ProcessObservationVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- ProcessStateVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
Value Object para ProcessState
- ProcessStateVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Cria uma instância do ProcessStateVO
- ProcessStateVO(long, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Cria uma instância do ProcessStateVO
- ProcessTaskInfoVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ProcessTaskInfoVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- ProcessTaskVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ProcessTaskVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- ProcessTaskVO(long, int, int, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- ProcessVersionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ProcessVersionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- provisionKey(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CustomAppKeyService
- PublicApiPageVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.page
VO para retornar ara servidço da api publica.
- PublicApiPageVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- publisherId - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- publisherName - Variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- publishPageDraft(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- putCardIndex(File, Integer, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardIndexAPIService
- QUESTION - com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessageType
- RelatedDocumentVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
Value Object para RelatedDocumento
- RelatedDocumentVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Nova instância sem valores definidos
- RelatedDocumentVO(Long, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Nova instância do RelatedDocumentVO informando tenantId, relatedDocumentId, version, documentId
- releaseLatestVersion(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Libera a ultima versão do processo
- releaseVersion(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Libera uma versão do processo
- reloadPageLayout(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
Recarrega o layout de uma página.
- remove(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Remove um registro de formulário
- remove(Long, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ApplicationUserDataService
- removeAlerts(String, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Método que remove os alertas informados de um usuario tambem dado, esse método também é responsável por remover os senders, places e objects relacionado aos alertas
- removeChild(Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CardAPIService
Remove os registros do formulário filho
- removeCover(ArticleVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Remove the cover image of an existing article.
Return the article that was updated in a community. - removeFilters(List<Long>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- removeUser(Long, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GroupService
Remove um usuário do grupo.
- removeUserData(String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
- RequestProcessTaskVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- RequestProcessTaskVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- RequestSLAVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- RequestSLAVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- RequestStatusType - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums
- RequestTaskSLAVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- RequestTaskSLAVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- RestViews - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api
Intercepta e trata retorno de serviço rest para o lado cliente, retornando somente as informações relevantes para si.
- RestViews() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.RestViews
- RestViews.Message - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api
Tratamento da mensagem de retorno do serviço
- RestViews.Mobile - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api
Trata retorno para o lado cliente mobile
- resumeAssignedToMeTasks(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- ResumedTasksVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.task
Simple VO for all menu items in central tasks
- ResumedTasksVO(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- resumeManagedByMeTasks(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- resumeMyRequestsSLA(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como requisitante.
- resumeMyRequestsTasks(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- ResumeProcessTaskVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ResumeProcessTaskVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- resumeRequestsSLA() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados.
- resumeRequestsSLA(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados.
- resumeRequestsSLA(List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados.
- resumeRequestsSLA(List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados.
- resumeRequestsSLA(List<String>, Map<String, String>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados.
- resumeRequestsSLA(List<String>, Map<String, String>, List<String>, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados.
- resumeRequestsSLAAssignedToMe(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como responsável.
- resumeRequestsSLAManagedByMe(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
Recupera um resumo dos indicadores de SLA dos processos configurados considerando o usuário logado como gestor.
- ResumeRequestsSLAVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- ResumeRequestsSLAVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- resumeSLATasks(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WorkflowAPIService
- revokeWidgetPermission(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WidgetService
Remove as permissões gerais de uma widget
- saveConfiguration(AlertConfigVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Salva a configuração de um usuário para receber ou não alertas de um dado evento através de um dado aplicativo.
- saveFiltersGroup(FilterGroupVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- search(DefaultSearchRequest) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.SearchService
Retorna a pesquisa padrão, com os tipos de documentos encontrados em forma de lista
- searchForbiddenResourceCodes() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.WidgetService
Busca códigos de recursos que não devem ser listados
- SearchService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de busca
- SecurityService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de segurança.
- sendNotification(String, String, String, AlertObject, AlertObject, List<AlertAction>, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.AlertService
Método que deve ser invocado por todos os módulos do sistema para enviar alertas.
- setAbsoluteFileName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Atribui valor para absoluteFileName
- setAccessCount(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para número de acessos
- setAccessCount(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Atribui valor do campo accessCount
- setAccessLevel(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setAccessTokenURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setActionKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setActions(List<AlertActionVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setActionType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setActiveVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- setActiveVersion(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para versão ativa
- setActivities(List<BPMProcessActivityVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setActivityCode(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- setActivityDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- setActualTasks(List<RequestTaskSLAVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setAdditionalComments(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setAdditionalComments(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui o valor do comentário nas informações extras
- setAdditionalComments(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para comentário adicional
- setAdditionalComments(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para additionalComments
- setAdminAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para adminAlias
- setAdminUser(AdminUserVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para adminUser
- setAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- setAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field alias
- setAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para alias
- setAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Atribui valor para alias
- setAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setAllowMuiltiCardsPerUser(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para allowMuiltiCardsPerUser
- setApplicationKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- setApprovalAndOr(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para approvalAndOr
- setApprovalAndOr(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para approvalAndOr
- setApprovalMode(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Atribui valor para approvalMode
- setApprovalObservation(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- setApprovalRequired(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para approvalRequired
- setApprovalRequired(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setApprovalStatus(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- setApproved(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
- setApproved(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setApproved(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento está aprovado
- setApprovedDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para data de aprovação
- setApprovedString(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setApprovementDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setApproverType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Atribui valor para approverType
- setArticleCoverVO(ArticleCoverVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field articleCoverVO
- setAssignee(BPMUserVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setAssigneeCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- setAssigneeLocal(LocalVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- setAssigneeName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestTaskSLAVO
- setAssignees(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- setAssigneesNames(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- setAssignEndDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setAssignment(BPMAssignmentVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO
- setAssignmentConfiguration(BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO
- setAssignStartDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setAssumeProcessTaskList(List<AssumeProcessTaskVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksVO
- setAssumeProcessTaskResults(List<AssumeProcessTaskResultVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksResultVO
- setAttach(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setAttach(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Atribui valor para attach
- setAttach(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
Atribui valor para attach
- setAttach(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
Atribui valor para attach
- setAttachedDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- setAttachments(List<AttachmentVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setAttachments(List<AttachmentVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para attachments
- setAttachments(List<CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para attachments
- setAttachments(List<CardIndexAttachmentVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para attachments
- setAttachments(List<ProcessAttachmentVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setAttachments(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field attachments
- setAttachmentSecurity(BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setAttachmentSecurityConfigurations(List<BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityConfigurationVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO
- setAttachmentSeqId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setAttributionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para attributionDescription
- setAttributionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para attributionDescription
- setAttributionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para attributionType
- setAttributionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para attributionType
- setAttributionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setAttributionValue(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para attributionValue
- setAttributionValue(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para attributionValue
- setAttributionValue(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setAtualizationId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id de atualização
- setAuthenticationType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setAuthorizationURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setBase64media(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setBlocked(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setBoxData(CropVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setBpmnType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setBpmnVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setCallbackUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setCanCancel(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setCanceledExpiredRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setCanceledOnTimeRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setCanceledRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setCanceledWarningRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setCancelInstanceList(List<CancelInstanceVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesVO
- setCancelInstanceResults(List<CancelInstanceResultVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesResultVO
- setCancelText(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesVO
- setCancelText(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceVO
- setCanRemove(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setCanRemove(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setCanTake(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setCanvasData(CropVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setCardDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setCardDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para descrição do card
- setCardDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setCardDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para cardDescription
- setCardDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para cardDescription
- setCardFields(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setCardFields(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setCardId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- setCategory(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- setCategoryCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- setCategoryId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field categoryId
- setCategoryStructure(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para categoryStructure
- setCheckinDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setCheckinTime(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setCheckoutAllowed(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setCheckoutDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setCheckoutTime(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setChildren(List<CardChildrenVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- setChildren(List<ResumedTasksVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- setChildren(List<ProcessVersionVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- setChildren(List<PublicApiPageVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setClientData(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setClientId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setClientId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Atribui valor para code
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Atribui valor para code
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para code
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Atribui valor para code
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para code
- setCollaborationId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Atribui valor para colleagueId
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do colega
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para colleagueId
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para colleagueId
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- setColleagueName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setColleagueName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setColleagueName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setColleagueName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setColleagueName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.AllocatedDocumentVO
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setComments(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- setCommentWithoutMention(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- setCompanyId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setCompanyId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setCompanyId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- setCompanyId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setComplement(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setComplement(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- setConfiguration(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentConfigurationVO
- setConfirmNewPassword(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- setConsumerKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setConsumerSecret(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setContent(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
Atribui valor para content
- setContent(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field content
- setControlsSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO
- setCoordinateX(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setCoordinateY(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setCovers(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field covers
- setCrc(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para crc
- setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para data de criação
- setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor a data de criação
- setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setCreateDateInMilliseconds(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setCreateForum(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setCreationDateTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setCurrentDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setCurrentPassword(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- setCustomData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setCustomPage(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setCustomURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- setCustomUsers(List<Long>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Atribui valor para customUsers
- setData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para data
- setDatasetId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- setDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para datasetName
- setDatasetName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para datasetName
- setDate(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- setDeadlineDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setDeadlineDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setDeadlineDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setDeadlineDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setDeadlineDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setDeadlineDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setDeadlineSpecification(BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setDeadlineSpecification(BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setDeadlineText(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setDeadlineTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO
- setDefaultLocale(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setDefaultLocale(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- setDeleted(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento foi deletado
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Atribui valor para description
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field description
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para description
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbItemVO
Setado o valor do field description
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormRecordVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.FormRecordVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para description
- setDescriptionAfterExec(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setDescriptionKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setDescriptor(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setDetail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Informa uma descrição detalhada para a mensagem.
- setDiagram(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setDigitalSignature(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Atribui valor para digitalSignature
- setDocument(DocumentVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- setDocumentApprovers(Long, DocumentSecurityVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Set Approvers for a specific document
- setDocumentApproverVO(List<DocumentApproverVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para descrição do documento
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para descrição do documento
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para documentDescription
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para documentDescription
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para documentDescription
- setDocumentDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setDocumentId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setDocumentId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do documento
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para documentId
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Atribui valor para documentoId
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para documentId
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para documentId
- setDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- setDocumentIdFinal(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para documentIdFinal
- setDocumentIdInitial(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para documentIdInitial
- setDocumentPermissions(int, List<DocumentPermissionVO>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Determina as permissões do documento
- setDocumentPermissionVO(List<DocumentPermissionVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- setDocumentPropertyNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setDocumentPropertyNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para número de propriedade do documento
- setDocumentPropertyVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setDocumentPropertyVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui versão de documento
- setDocumentSecurityConfigVOs(List<DocumentSecurityConfigVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityVO
- setDocumentType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setDocumentType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para tipo de documento
- setDocumentType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para documentType
- setDocumentTypeId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setDocumentTypeId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do tipo de documento
- setDocumentTypeId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para documentTypeId
- setDocumentTypeId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para documentTypeId
- setDocumentTypes(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui tipo de documentos
- setDocumentVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setDocumentVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setDomain(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setDomain(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setDownloadEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- setDownloadEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para downloadEnabled
- setDownloadEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para downloadEnabled
- setDownloadEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setDownloadEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se download é habilitado
- setDownloadEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para informação se download de pasta está disponível
- setDownloadEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para downloadEnabled
- setDraft(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field draft
- setDraft(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para draft
- setEcmInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para ecmInfo
- setEditing(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setEditing(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Atribui valor para email
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Atribui valor para email
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para email
- setEnabled(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setEnabledMobileApp(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setEndDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setEndDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setEndDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setEndPeriod(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setEntityPermissions(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
- setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setErrorCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- setEvent(AlertEventVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setEventKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- setEventKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setExecuted(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setExecutionHour(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setExecutionMinute(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setExpandables(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- setExpandables(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setExpandables(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setExpirationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para data de expiração
- setExpirationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setExpirationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field expirationDate
- setExpirationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para expirationDate
- setExpired(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setExpired(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- setExpires(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field expires
- setExpires(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento expira
- setExpires(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para informar se a pasta pode expirar
- setExpires(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para expires
- setExpiresIn(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setExtData(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor ao map
- setExtData(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Atribui valor para extData
- setExternalDocumentId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id documento externo
- setExtraData(String, Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valores para os dados extras
- setExtraData(String, Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para extData
- setFailCount(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksResultVO
- setFailCount(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesResultVO
- setFavorite(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para favorite
- setFavorite(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setFavorite(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- setFederalId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para federalId
- setField(FilterFieldVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterOrderVO
- setField(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormFieldVO
- setFieldId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldVO
- setFields(List<FilterFieldVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setFields(List<FilterFieldVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- setFilecontent(byte[]) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Atribui valor para fileName
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
Atribui valor para fileName
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
Atribui valor para fileName
- setFileSelected(AttachmentVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setFileSize(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setFilterId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setFilterId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- setFilterId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setFilterName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setFilterName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setFilterOrder(FilterOrderVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setFilterOrder(FilterOrderVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- setFilters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui filtros
- setFinalValue(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- setFinishedExpiredRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setFinishedOnTimeRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setFinishedRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setFinishedWarningRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Atribui valor para firstName
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Atribui valor para firstName
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para firstName
- setFontSize(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setFontStyle(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setFontWeight(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setFormData(List<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para formData
- setFormFields(List<BPMFormFieldVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setFormFields(List<BPMFormFieldVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setFormId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setFormId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setFormId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setFormId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para formId
- setFormId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- setFormRecord(BPMFormRecordVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setFormRecordId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setFormValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setFormVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setFormVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para formVersion
- setFriendlyURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setFullCategoryStructure(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para fullCategoryStructure
- setFullName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- setFullName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
- setFullName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setFullName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Atribui valor para fullName
- setFullName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para fullName
- setFullPatch(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setFullTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setFullTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setGrantType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setGroupCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setGroupDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setGroupDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setGroupDescriptionKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setGrouped(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setGroupId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setGroupParticipantsCount(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setGroups(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
- setGroupsCode(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- setGroupType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Atribui valor para groupType
- setGuests(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- setHidden(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para hidden
- setHidden(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setHolidays(List<HolidayVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setHtmlIdField(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- setHttpMethod(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setHttpStatusResult(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setIconFont(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setIconId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do icone
- setIconId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para iconId
- setIconId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para iconId
- setIconPath(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setIconPath(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor do iconPath do arquivo
- setId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- setId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormRecordVO
- setId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.FormRecordVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Atribui valor para id
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field id
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para id
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Atribui valor para id
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterOrderVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para id
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para id
- setId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- setIdpId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para idpId
- setIdpLogOff(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para idpLogOff
- setImage(byte[]) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setImpl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- setImutable(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento é imutavel
- setImutable(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui boolean se pasta será imutavel
- setImutable(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para imutable
- setIndexed(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento é indexado
- setInheritFormSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setInheritSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para inheritSecurity
- setInheritSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para inheritSecurity
- setInheritSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui se herda as propriedades de segurança do parent
- setInheritSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para segurança herdada
- setInheritSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para inheritSecurity
- setInitialProcessState(ProcessStateVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para initialProcessState
- setInitialValue(Object) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- setInstanceIdFinal(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para instanceIdFinal
- setInstanceIdInitial(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para instanceIdInitial
- setInstructions(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setInternalVisualizer(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento pode ser visualizado internamente
- setInternalVisualizer(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui boolean se pasta possui visualizador interno
- setInternalVisualizer(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para internalVisualizer
- setInterval(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setIntervalDescriptions(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setIntervalType(JobVO.IntervalType) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Set user status
- setIsAdmin(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setIsCommunityAdmin(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setIsInternal(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
Atribui valor para isInternal
- setIsKnow(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setIsModerator(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setIsPublic(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- setIsSelected(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- setIssuedTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setItems(List<SocialBreadcrumbItemVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbVO
- setItems(List<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- setIterationSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setJndiName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setJobId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setJobType(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setKeyWord(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para palavra chave
- setKeyWord(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Configura valor da palavra chave
- setKeyWord(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field keyWord
- setKeyWord(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para keyWord
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setLanguageId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id da linguagem
- setLanguageId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para languageId
- setLastExecution(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setLastModifiedDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setLastModifiedDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setLastModifiedDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para última data de modificação
- setLastModifiedTime(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor a última data de modificação
- setLastName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setLastName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Atribui valor para lastName
- setLastName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Atribui valor para lastName
- setLastName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para lastName
- setLastUpdate(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setLastUpdate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setLastUpdateDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- setLatitude(double) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setLatitude(Double) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- setLeft(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- setLevelDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Atribui valor para levelDescription
- setLevelId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setLevelId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApproverVO
Atribui valor para levelId
- setLimit(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setLimit(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- setLink(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setLocal(BPMLocalVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- setLocalId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- setLocalIds(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- setLocalNames(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO
- setLocals(List<LocalVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- setLocalUsers(List<LocalUserVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Atribui valor para login
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
Atribui valor para login
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- setLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para login
- setLongitude(double) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setLongitude(Double) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- setMail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- setMainAttachmentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setMainAttachmentDocumentVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbVO
- setMaxUploadsizeForConnect(Integer) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.GlobalParameterService
Seta o tamanho máximo de upload via fluig Connect
- setMediaId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- setMediaName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- setMediaType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- setMediaVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.MediaVO
- setMediaVO(MediaVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
* Atribui valor para mediaVO
- setMention(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setMentions(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setMessage(FluigMessage) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
Atribui valor para message
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
Altera a mensagem.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- setMetaListId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para metaListId
- setMethod(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setMethod(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setMobile(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setMobileEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- setMobileEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- setMobileReady(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para mobileReady
- setMobileReady(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setMobileReady(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setModule(AlertModuleVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setModuleKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- setMovementHour(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- setMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setMovementSequence(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para name
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMAssignmentVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMUserVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- setName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- setNewPassword(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- setNextExecution(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setNote(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setNotificationDays(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para notificationDays
- setNotifyUser(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui boolean se usuário será notificado
- setNumberComments(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setNumberDenouncements(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setNumberFollowers(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setNumberFollowing(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setNumberFriends(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setNumberLikes(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setNumberModerations(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setNumberParticipations(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setNumberShares(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setNumberWatchs(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Atribui valor do campo numberWatchs
- setOauthCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setObject(AlertObjectVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setObjectClass(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setObjectClass(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setObjectDetail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setObjectDetailKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setObjectId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setObjectId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setObservation(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setObservation(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setObservationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setOffset(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setOffset(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- setOffset(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- setOnCheckout(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento está em checkout
- setOnlyAdmin(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setOnlyMyFilters(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- setOnTime(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- setOpenExpiredRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setOpenOnTimeRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setOpenRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setOpenWarningRequests(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeRequestsSLAVO
- setOperator(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- setOptionField(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- setOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setOrder(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- setOrder(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterOrderVO
- setOrdering(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setOrderPosition(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setOrdinalNumber(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setOrganizationUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para organizationUrl
- setOriginalMovementSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- setPageCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- setPageCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setPageIcon(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setPageId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setParentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- setParentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setParentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do documento pai
- setParentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setParentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para parentDocumentId
- setParentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para parentDocumentId
- setParentDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para parentDocumentId
- setParentFolderId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para id da pasta pai
- setParentPageCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setParentRequestId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
Atribui valor para password
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para password
- setPasswordConfirmation(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setPath(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setPathName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setPattern(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setPattern(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterSearchVO
- setPercentageConcluded(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setPercentageConcluded(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setPeriod(DateGap) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setPeriodId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setPeriodId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setPermission(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setPermission(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setPermission(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setPermission(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- setPermissionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- setPermissions(List<DocumentPermissionVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para lista de permissões
- setPermissions(List<DocumentPermissionVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para permissions
- setPermissionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para tipo de permissão
- setPermissionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor ao tipo de permissão
- setPermissionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para permissionType
- setPersistenceType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setPersistenceType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para persistenceType
- setPersistenceType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para persistenceType
- setPhisicalFile(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setPhisicalFile(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para arquivo fisico
- setPhisicalFileSize(Float) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setPhisicalFileSize(Float) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para o tamanho do arquivo fisico
- setPictureId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setPictureName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setPlace(AlertObjectVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setPrincipal(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.AttachmentVO
- setPrincipal(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
Atribui valor para principal
- setPrincipal(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
Atribui valor para principal
- setPrincipal(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
Atribui valor para principal
- setPrincipal(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setPriority(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor prioridade
- setPriority(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setPrivateColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor id privado do colega
- setPrivateContent(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
Atribui valor para privateContent
- setPrivateContent(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setPrivateDocument(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento é privado
- setPrivateDocument(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui boolean se documento é privado
- setPrivateDocument(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para privateDocument
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para processDescription
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVO
Atribui valor para processDescription
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setProcessDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setProcessesUnderManagement(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ManagerDefinitionVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para processId
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVO
Atribui valor para processId
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setProcessId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- setProcessId(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setProcessInstanceId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setProcessInstanceId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setProcessInstanceId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setProcessName(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setProcessVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setProcessVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setProcessVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setProcessVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setProcessVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setProcessVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setProcessVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setProviderName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setPublicationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field publicationDate
- setPublicFilter(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setPublisherApprovers(List<DocumentApproverVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para publicadores aprovadores
- setPublisherApprovers(List<DocumentApproverVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para publisherApprovers
- setPublisherId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setPublisherId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do publicador
- setPublisherId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para id do publicador
- setPublisherId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field publisherId
- setPublisherId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setPublisherId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para publisherId
- setPublisherId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para publisherId
- setPublisherName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setPublisherName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setRadius(double) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setRadius(Double) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- setRead(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setReceiver(AlertUserVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setRecurrenceExpression(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setRecurrent(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.holiday.HolidayVO
- setRedirectUri(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setRefreshTokenURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setRelatedDocumentId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Atribui valor para relatedDocumentId
- setRelatedDocuments(List<RelatedDocumentVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para relatedDocuments
- setRelatedFiles(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para arquivos relacionados
- setRemainingTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO
- setRemainingTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setRemainingTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setRemoveVolume(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para removeVolume
- setReplacedId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceVO
- setReplacementId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskVO
- setRequester(BPMUserVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setRequester(BPMUserVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setRequesterCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setRequesterCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setRequesterId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setRequesterLocal(LocalVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setRequesterName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setRequesterName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setRequesterName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setRequestMethod(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setRequestTokenURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setRequired(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setRequiresPassword(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setRestrictions(List<DocumentRestrictionVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para lista de restrições de documentos
- setRestrictions(List<DocumentRestrictionVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para restrictions
- setRestrictionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para tipo de restrição
- setRestrictionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para tipo de restrição
- setRestrictionType(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para restrictionType
- setResult(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setRoleCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setRoleDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setRoleId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setRoles(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
- setRolesCode(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- setRowId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para rowId
- setRowId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setScope(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setSearchLevel(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setSearchType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setSecurityLevel(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- setSecurityLevel(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para securityLevel
- setSecurityLevel(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para securityLevel
- setSecurityLevel(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setSecurityLevel(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Atribui valor do campo securityLevel
- setSecurityVersion(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para securityVersion
- setSecurityVersion(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para securityVersion
- setSecurityVersion(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setSelected(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- setSelectedColleagueId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- setSenders(List<AlertSenderVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertVO
- setSensitiveData(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Atribui valor para sequence
- setServiceCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setServiceTestUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setServiceUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setSession(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setShowContent(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- setShowContent(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentPermissionVO
Atribui valor para showContent
- setShowContent(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentRestrictionVO
Atribui valor para showContent
- setShowContent(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setSignatureMethod(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setSigned(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setSingleDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setSingleDescriptionKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- setSiteCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para código de site
- setSlaStatus(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setSlaStatus(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setSlot(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageWidgetMobileApiVO
- setSlotId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setSociable(SociableVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field sociableVO
- setSociableId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setSociableObjectId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Atribui valor para sociableObjectId
- setSociableParentId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setSociableType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setSocialObjectId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field socialObjectId
- setSolrAvailable(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- setSourceDocumentId(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setSourceDocumentVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setSourceProcess(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setSourceThreadSequence(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setSpentTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMDeadlineSpecificationVO
- setSpentTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setSpentTime(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setStartDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setStartDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setStartDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setStartDateInMillis(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setStartDateProcess(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setStartDateTask(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setStarted(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setStartPeriod(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchRequest
- setState(BPMProcessStateVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setState(ProcessStateVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setState(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- setStateDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setStateDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Atribui valor para stateDescription
- setStateDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setStateId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setStateName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setStateName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Atribui valor para stateName
- setStateName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setStateSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setStateSequence(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setStateType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessStateVO
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentApprovementHistoryVO
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setStatus(AssumeProcessTaskStatus) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setStatus(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setStatus(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setStatus(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- setStatusRequest(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setStatusSla(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setStatusTask(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setStrParams(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setStrParams(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setSuccessCount(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTasksResultVO
- setSuccessCount(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstancesResultVO
- setTags(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setTarget(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- setTaskDeadline(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setTaskId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- setTaskInfo(BPMProcessActivityTaskInfoVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setTaskObservations(List<ProcessObservationVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setTasks(List<BPMProcessTaskVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setTasksInfo(List<ProcessTaskInfoVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessInstanceInfoVO
- setTenantActive(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para tenantActive
- setTenantAdmin(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AssumeProcessTaskResultVO
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CancelInstanceResultVO
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para tenantId
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessStateVO
Atribui valor para tenantId
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertModuleVO
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertUserVO
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do tenant
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para tenantId
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Atribui valor para tenantId
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationAppVO
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexCreateVO
Atribui valor para tenantId
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexVO
Atribui valor para tenantId
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para tenantId
- setTenantUserLogin(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupVO
- setText(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Atribui valor para text
- setTextDecoration(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setThreadSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessActivityVO
- setThreadSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setThreadSequence(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessObservationVO
- setThumbnailEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para thumbnailEnabled
- setThumbURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setTimeElapsed(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- setTimeoutService(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- setTimeUnit(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- setTimezone(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalVO
- setTimezone(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMLocalVO
- setTimezone(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Retorna o timezone
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setToken(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setTokenAccess(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setTokenAccess(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor ao tokenAccess
- setTokenSecret(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setTokenSecret(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor ao token secret
- setTop(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- setTopicId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para id do topico
- setTopicId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para topicId
- setTopicId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field topicId
- setTopicId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para topicId
- setTotal(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- setTotalHits(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- setTotalTask(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- setTransferActiveDocuments(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para transferActiveDocuments
- setTransferApprovals(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para transferApprovals
- setTransferApprovers(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para transferApprovers
- setTransferDocumentSecurity(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para transferDocumentSecurity
- setTransferMyDocumentsInApproval(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para transferMyDocumentsInApproval
- setTransferOpenWorkflow(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para transferOpenWorkflow
- setTransferPendingWorkflow(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para transferPendingWorkflow
- setTransferredSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskInfoVO
- setTransferredSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessTaskVO
- setTransferSequence(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setTranslated(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento é traduzido
- setType(FluigMessageType) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
- setType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.ResumedTasksVO
- setType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setType(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterVO
- setTypeCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionAssetVO
- setTypeDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setTypeDescriptionKey(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertObjectVO
- setUnknownManagement(List<String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ManagerDefinitionVO
- setUpdateDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setUpdateInterval(long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- setUpdateIsoProperties(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para updateIsoProperties
- setUpdateIsoProperties(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui permitir atualização de iso properties
- setUpdateIsoProperties(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para updateIsoProperties
- setUpdateVersions(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessAttachmentSecurityVO
- setUploaderLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.ecm.CollaborationVO
- setUploadId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribue o identificador do uplaod
- setUploadId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- setUri(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PublicApiPageVO
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertActionVO
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbItemVO
Setado o valor do field url
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setUseLike(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldFilterVO
- setUser(AlertUserVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- setUser(SocialVO) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field user
- setUserAlias(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setUserAuthorizationURL(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setUserCode(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- setUserData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- setUserEmail(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setUserFrom(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para userFrom
- setUserFullName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setUserIdIdp(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- setUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- setUserName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.local.LocalUserVO
- setUserName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- setUserName(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterResultVO
- setUserNotify(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field userNotify
- setUserNotify(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor se usuário será notificado
- setUserNotify(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para userNotify
- setUserTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterGroupResultVO
- setUserTo(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
Atribui valor para userTo
- setUserUUID(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Atribui valor para userUUID
- setUUID(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para UUID
- setValidationStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para data de início de validação
- setValidationStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para validationStartDate
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFieldVO
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormFieldVO
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setValues(List<CardFieldVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardChildrenVO
- setValues(List<CardFieldVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardFindFieldVO
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.cardindex.CardIndexFindAPIVO
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentSecurityConfigVO
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentTaskVO
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessAttachmentVO
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para version
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para versão
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para versão
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.RelatedDocumentVO
Atribui valor para versão
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Setado o valor do field version
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMFormRecordVO
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessVersionVO
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAPIVO
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para version
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.FormRecordVO
- setVersion(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
- setVersionAction(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribue a ação que serão realizada em relaão a versão documento
- setVersionAction(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.document.FileUploadVO
- setVersionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para descrição da versão
- setVersionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor para descrição da versão
- setVersionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para versionDescription
- setVersionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessDefinitionVersionVO
Atribui valor para versionDescription
- setVersionDescription(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ProcessVersionVO
- setVersionOption(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardItemVO
Atribui valor para versionOption
- setVia(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertSenderVO
- setViewedDocument(boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
Atribui valor do campo viewedDocument
- setVisibility(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.PostVO
Atribui valor para visibility
- setVisible(Boolean) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.filter.FilterFieldVO
- setVisualization(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor para visualização
- setVolumeDir(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Atribui valor para volumeDir
- setVolumeId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor ao id do volume
- setVolumeId(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.FolderVO
Atribui valor do id do volume
- setWantReceive(String) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertConfigVO
- setWarning(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.ResumeProcessTaskVO
- setWarningDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMProcessTaskVO
- setWarningDate(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.BPMRequestVO
- setWarningDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestProcessTaskVO
- setWarningDate(Date) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.RequestSLAVO
- setWatermarkId(Integer) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.DocumentVO
Atribui valor, se documento tem marca d'água
- setWidgetPreference(Long, String, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
Seta o valor de uma preferência para uma instância de uma widget.
- setWidgets(List<PageWidgetMobileApiVO>) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.page.PageMobileApiVO
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CropVO
- setWindowHeight(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
Setado o valor do field windowHeight
- setWindowWidth(int) - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
Setado o valor do field windowWidth
- show(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.PageService
- SociableVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- SociableVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- SocialBreadcrumbItemVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- SocialBreadcrumbItemVO(String, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbItemVO
- SocialBreadcrumbService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de breadcrumb.
- SocialBreadcrumbVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- SocialBreadcrumbVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialBreadcrumbVO
- SocialSDKService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
- SocialVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.social
- SocialVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
Default constructor.
- SolvedPermissionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.document
- SolvedPermissionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.document.SolvedPermissionVO
- startCollaboration(String, CollaborationVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- STARTED - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
- startEditingByGuest(String, String, CollaborationVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- startGuestCollaboration(String, CollaborationVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- SUCCESS - com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.AssumeProcessTaskStatus
- SUCCESS - com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.CancelInstanceStatus
- TagsCloudService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de tagscloud.
- TaskKindEnum - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.task
- TaskSearchTypeEnumeration - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.task
- TasksService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de Tasks.
- TaskStateEnum - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.task
- TaskStatusEnum - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.task
- TaskStatusType - Enum in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums
- TaskTransferVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.task
Value Object para Transferência de Pendências
- TaskTransferVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskTransferVO
- TenantService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de tenância.
- TenantVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.tenant
Value Object para Tenant
- TenantVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Nova instância para TenantVO.java
- TenantVO(Long, String) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
Nova instância para TenantVO.java
- TODO - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskKindEnum
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.alert.AlertEventVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.authorizeclient.AuthorizeClientSdkServiceVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.customappkey.KeyVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessage
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.group.GroupVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.oauth.OAuthSdkVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.permission.PermissionVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.search.DefaultSearchResponse
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleCoverVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.ArticleVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommentVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.CommunityVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SociableVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.social.SocialVO
- toString() - Method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStateEnum
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.AttachmentVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentCreateVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.CardIndexAttachmentVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.AdminUserVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.tenant.TenantVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.ColleagueVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
- toString() - Method in class com.fluig.sdk.web.FluigRestResult
- transalateString(String, Object[]) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.I18NService
Retorna a tradução de uma String padrão do Fluig.
- transalateString(String, String, Object[]) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.I18NService
Retorna a tradução de uma String associada a um Bundle específico.
- TRANSFERRED - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
- transferTasks(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.TasksService
Transfer tasks from one user to another
- translateException(Throwable) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.I18NService
Retorna a tradução de uma exception.
- update(LocalVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Atualiza localização.
- update(ArticleVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ArticleService
Save and update an article.
Return the article that was updated in a community. - update(CommunityVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CommunityService
- update(Long, HolidayVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.HolidayAPIService
Atualiza feriado.
- update(String, LocalVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Atualiza localização.
- updateApp(CollaborationAppVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- updateDefault(String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.LocalAPIService
Atualiza estado padrão da localização.
- updateDocumentDescription(long, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FolderDocumentService
Atualiza documento ou pasta
- updateFile(DocumentVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Update file
- updateFilter(FilterVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- updateFilterSequence(Long, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- updatePublicProcessFilter(long, boolean) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.FilterAPIService
- updateSession() - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.IdentityService
- updateUser(UserVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
UPDATE user.
- updateUserData(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
UPDATE user data of logged user
- updateUserDataById(Map<String, String>, Long) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
UPDATE the user data
- updateUserEvenDisabled(UserVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.UserService
UPDATE the user information even one that is disabled.
- upload(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.ContentFilesService
Executa o upload de um arquivo
- uploadFlow(String, CollaborationVO) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- UserAuthTokenSessionVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.identity
- UserAuthTokenSessionVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- UserAuthTokenSessionVO(FDNUserMobileToken) - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.identity.UserAuthTokenSessionVO
- UserPasswordVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.user
- UserPasswordVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserPasswordVO
- UserService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de usuário.
- UserVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.user
Value Object para usuário
- UserVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.user.UserVO
Construtor default.
- validateDocumentPublicUrlConfiguration(Long, int, int) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.DocumentService
Valida configurações de documento
- validateUserPermissionToEdit(int, int, String) - Method in interface com.fluig.sdk.service.CollaborationSDKService
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.AssumeProcessTaskStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.CancelInstanceStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO.IntervalType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskKindEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskSearchTypeEnumeration
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStateEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.AssumeProcessTaskStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.enums.CancelInstanceStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO.IntervalType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskKindEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskSearchTypeEnumeration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStateEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskStatusEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.RequestStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.enums.TaskStatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- WARNING - com.fluig.sdk.api.FluigMessageType
Aviso importante.
- WEEKLY - com.fluig.sdk.api.job.JobVO.IntervalType
- WEEKS - Static variable in class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.DatasetOfflineMobileRestVO
- WidgetService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de permissão.
- WORKFLOW - com.fluig.sdk.api.task.TaskKindEnum
- WorkflowAPIService - Interface in com.fluig.sdk.service
Fornece acesso aos serviços de workflow.
- WorkflowVO - Class in com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow
- WorkflowVO() - Constructor for class com.fluig.sdk.api.workflow.WorkflowVO
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