TasksRest Resource


Available Since

POST /2.0/tasks/transfer

Transfer pending tasks from one user to another

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json TaskTransferVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

{ "userTo": "user", "userFrom": "adm", "transferActiveDocuments": true, "transferMyDocumentsInApproval": true, "transferPendingWorkflow": true, "transferOpenWorkflow": true, "transferApprovers": true, "transferApprovals": true, "transferDocumentSecurity": true, "instanceIdInitial": 0, "instanceIdFinal": 9999999, "documentIdInitial": 0, "documentIdFinal": 9999999 }
Response Body
media type data type description
text/plain object { "content": "=== Checking Transfer of Folder Writing Permission=== [INFO] All permissions were transferred. ================================================================================ === Checking Transfer of Active Documents === [INFO] Document X - testdocument transferred [INFO] ================================================================================ === Checking Transfer of Documents Pending Approval === [INFO] Document X - testdocument transferred ================================================================================ === Checking Transfer of Pending Workflow Tasks === [WARN] No record found. ================================================================================ === Checking Transfer of Open Workflow === [WARN] No record found. ================================================================================ === Checking Transfer of Folders/Documents Approver === [INFO] Transferred to the document approver X ================================================================================ === Verificando Transferência de Aprovação de Documento === [INFO] Document approval transferred: X ================================================================================ === Checking Transfer of Task Central Tasks === ================================================================================ " "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findApprovalDocumentsByUser/{colleagueId}

Returns documents that is in approval or was disapproved

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "userId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method returns an array of VOs Documents for approval.
{ "content": { "tenantId": 1, "documentId": 170, "version": 1000, "documentTypeId": "", "languageId": null, "iconId": 0, "topicId": 0, "colleagueId": "login.user", "documentDescription": "teste-api-publica", "phisicalFile": "", "keyWord": "", "createDate": "2015-07-03", "approvedDate": null, "lastModifiedDate": "2015-07-03", "documentType": "1", "expirationDate": "2015-07-03", "accessCount": 0, "atualizationId": null, "parentDocumentId": 169, "visualization": null, "relatedFiles": null, "activeVersion": true, "versionDescription": "", "approvalAndOr": null, "externalDocumentId": "", "downloadEnabled": false, "approved": true, "validationStartDate": "2015-07-03", "publisherId": "login.user", "cardDescription": null, "allowMuiltiCardsPerUser": true, "documentPropertyNumber": null, "documentPropertyVersion": null, "privateDocument": false, "privateColleagueId": null, "indexed": false, "priority": null, "translated": false, "userNotify": false, "expires": false, "volumeId": "Default", "updateIsoProperties": false, "lastModifiedTime": null, "deleted": false, "imutable": null, "internalVisualizer": null, "crc": 0, "phisicalFileSize": 0, "permissionType": 0, "restrictionType": 0, "siteCode": "Fluig", "draft": false, "onCheckout": false, "uuid": "D472AB96-FBDF-445C-8895-717210129E27" }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findDocsInAgreement/{colleagueId}

Search for all documents in agreement with the specified user

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "userId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 	"content": [
 			"documentId": 531,
 			"version": 1000,
 			"documentDescription": "Marketing.pptx",
 			"colleagueName": "admin",
 			"lastModifiedDate": "2015-11-17",
 			"documentType": "2",
 			"approved": 0,
 			"approvedString": null,
 			"know": true
 	"message": {
 		"message": "OK",
 		"detail": "OK",
 		"type": "INFO"
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findDocsInCheckout/{colleagueId}

Search for all documents with checkout status

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "userId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 	"content": [
 			"documentId": 533,
 			"version": 1000,
 			"documentDescription": "Intro.mp4",
 			"colleagueName": "admin",
 			"lastModifiedDate": "2015-11-17",
 			"documentType": "2",
 			"approved": 0,
 			"approvedString": null,
 			"know": false
 	"message": {
 		"message": "OK",
 		"detail": "OK",
 		"type": "INFO"
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findDocumentsToApprove/{colleagueId}

Returns the documents to approve

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "userId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method returns an array of VOs documents to approve.
{ "content": { "tenantId": 1, "documentId": 170, "version": 1000, "documentTypeId": "", "languageId": null, "iconId": 0, "topicId": 0, "colleagueId": "login.user", "documentDescription": "teste-api-publica", "phisicalFile": "", "keyWord": "", "createDate": "2015-07-03", "approvedDate": null, "lastModifiedDate": "2015-07-03", "documentType": "1", "expirationDate": "2015-07-03", "accessCount": 0, "atualizationId": null, "parentDocumentId": 169, "visualization": null, "relatedFiles": null, "activeVersion": true, "versionDescription": "", "approvalAndOr": null, "externalDocumentId": "", "downloadEnabled": false, "approved": true, "validationStartDate": "2015-07-03", "publisherId": "login.user", "cardDescription": null, "allowMuiltiCardsPerUser": true, "documentPropertyNumber": null, "documentPropertyVersion": null, "privateDocument": false, "privateColleagueId": null, "indexed": false, "priority": null, "translated": false, "userNotify": false, "expires": false, "volumeId": "Default", "updateIsoProperties": false, "lastModifiedTime": null, "deleted": false, "imutable": null, "internalVisualizer": null, "crc": 0, "phisicalFileSize": 0, "permissionType": 0, "restrictionType": 0, "siteCode": "Fluig", "draft": false, "onCheckout": false, "uuid": "D472AB96-FBDF-445C-8895-717210129E27" }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findExpiredWorkflowTasks/{colleagueId}

Expired requests

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid values: "userId", Pool:Group:"groupId" or Pool:Role:"roleId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method returns an array of VOs Workflow Expired Requests.
{ "content": { "processDescription": "Processo Simples", "processId": "Processo Simples", "companyId": 1, "processInstanceId": 1, "version": 1, "requesterId": "adm", "requesterName": "adm", "active": true, "attachmentSeqId": 1, "sourceProcess": 0, "sourceThreadSequence": 0, "stateId": 1, "stateDescription": "Início", "deadlineDate": null, "deadlineText": "Sem prazo definido", "documentDescription": "7 Outubro, 2015 - Administrador", "colleagueName": "Administrador", "movementSequence": 1, "mainAttachmentDocumentId": 21, "mainAttachmentDocumentVersion": 0, "rowId": 0, "movementHour": "07/10/2015 15:19:21", "mobileReady": false, "canTake": false, "url": null, "code": null, }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findMyDocuments/{colleagueId}

Returns my Documents

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "userId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method returns an array of VOs Documents for approval.
{ "content": { "tenantId": 1, "documentId": 170, "version": 1000, "documentTypeId": "", "languageId": null, "iconId": 0, "topicId": 0, "colleagueId": "login.user", "documentDescription": "teste-api-publica", "phisicalFile": "", "keyWord": "", "createDate": "2015-07-03", "approvedDate": null, "lastModifiedDate": "2015-07-03", "documentType": "1", "expirationDate": "2015-07-03", "accessCount": 0, "atualizationId": null, "parentDocumentId": 169, "visualization": null, "relatedFiles": null, "activeVersion": true, "versionDescription": "", "approvalAndOr": null, "externalDocumentId": "", "downloadEnabled": false, "approved": true, "validationStartDate": "2015-07-03", "publisherId": "login.user", "cardDescription": null, "allowMuiltiCardsPerUser": true, "documentPropertyNumber": null, "documentPropertyVersion": null, "privateDocument": false, "privateColleagueId": null, "indexed": false, "priority": null, "translated": false, "userNotify": false, "expires": false, "volumeId": "Default", "updateIsoProperties": false, "lastModifiedTime": null, "deleted": false, "imutable": null, "internalVisualizer": null, "crc": 0, "phisicalFileSize": 0, "permissionType": 0, "restrictionType": 0, "siteCode": "Fluig", "draft": false, "onCheckout": false, "uuid": "D472AB96-FBDF-445C-8895-717210129E27" }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findMyRequests/{colleagueId}

My Opened requests

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "userId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method returns an array of VOs Workflow My Opened Requests.
{ "content": { "processDescription": "Processo Simples", "processId": "Processo Simples", "companyId": 1, "processInstanceId": 1, "version": 1, "requesterId": "adm", "requesterName": "adm", "active": true, "attachmentSeqId": 1, "sourceProcess": 0, "sourceThreadSequence": 0, "stateId": 1, "stateDescription": "Início", "deadlineDate": null, "deadlineText": "Sem prazo definido", "documentDescription": "7 Outubro, 2015 - Administrador", "colleagueName": "Administrador", "movementSequence": 1, "mainAttachmentDocumentId": 21, "mainAttachmentDocumentVersion": 0, "rowId": 0, "movementHour": "07/10/2015 15:19:21", "mobileReady": false, "canTake": false, "url": null, "code": null, }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findTasksInAgreement/{colleagueId}

Get tasks in agreement

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "userId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 	"content": {
 		"processDescription": "consenso",
 		"processId": "consenso",
 		"companyId": 1,
 		"processInstanceId": 11,
 		"version": 2,
 		"requesterId": "admin",
 		"requesterName": "Administrator",
 		"active": true,
 		"attachmentSeqId": 0,
 		"sourceProcess": 0,
 		"sourceThreadSequence": 0,
 		"stateId": 2,
 		"stateDescription": "Activity",
 		"deadlineDate": null,
 		"deadlineText": "No deadline",
 		"documentDescription": "",
 		"colleagueName": "Administrator\nJohn",
 		"movementSequence": 2,
 		"mainAttachmentDocumentId": null,
 		"mainAttachmentDocumentVersion": 0,
 		"rowId": 0,
 		"movementHour": null,
 		"mobileReady": false,
 		"canCancel": false,
 		"canTake": false,
 		"url": null,
 		"code": null
 	"message": {
 		"message": "OK",
 		"detail": "OK",
 		"type": "INFO"
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/findWorkflowTasks/{colleagueId}

Pending requests

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid values: "userId", Pool:Group:"groupId" or Pool:Role:"roleId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method returns an array of VOs Workflow Pending Requests.
{ "content": { "processDescription": "Processo Simples", "processId": "Processo Simples", "companyId": 1, "processInstanceId": 1, "version": 1, "requesterId": "adm", "requesterName": "adm", "active": true, "attachmentSeqId": 1, "sourceProcess": 0, "sourceThreadSequence": 0, "stateId": 1, "stateDescription": "Início", "deadlineDate": null, "deadlineText": "Sem prazo definido", "documentDescription": "7 Outubro, 2015 - Administrador", "colleagueName": "Administrador", "movementSequence": 1, "mainAttachmentDocumentId": 21, "mainAttachmentDocumentVersion": 0, "rowId": 0, "movementHour": "07/10/2015 15:19:21", "mobileReady": false, "canTake": false, "url": null, "code": null, }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

GET /2.0/tasks/getResumedTasks/{colleagueId}

Gets a resumed view of tasks for the specified user

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
colleagueId path Valid value: "colleagueId"
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
There are three types of states: process, document and learn.
"children" nodes are only used in pool tasks, for the specified groups or roles.
{ "content": [ { "type": "open", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "process", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 3, "children": null }, { "type": "requests", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "process", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 3, "children": null }, { "type": "agreement", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "process", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 0, "children": null }, { "type": "mydocs", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "document", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 0, "children": null }, { "type": "toapprove", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "document", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 0, "children": null }, { "type": "docagreement", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "document", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 0, "children": null }, { "type": "checkout", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "document", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 0, "children": null }, { "type": "learning", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "learn", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 0, "children": null }, { "type": "poolgroup", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "process", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 2, "children": [ { "type": "pool", "name": "Analistas", "taskId": "Pool:Group:Analistas", "state": "process", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 2, "children": null } ] }, { "type": "poolrole", "name": null, "taskId": null, "state": "process", "customURL": null, "totalTask": 0, "children": [] } ], "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }