DocumentServiceRest Resource


Available Since

POST /ecm/document/checkin

Checkin of a document

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id"          : "10",                          //id document 
"version" : "1000", //document version
"description" : "Description of the check out" //document version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/checkout

Check out of a document

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id"          : "10",                          //id document 
"version" : "1000", //document version
"description" : "Description of the check out" //document version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/chunkedUploadURL

Get the chunked upload url With this URL it is possible to send chunked parts of one file, instead the entire file.

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

URL for upload

 	"content": "",
 	"message": ""}

POST /ecm/document/create

This method has been deprecated.

Creates a simple document. It is necessary that the document is in the folder upload user.

Suggestion: To upload the file using FTP: ftp://serverUrl:21

Use: createDocument

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"description" : "Simple document",                //document's description  
"parentId" : "8", //parent folder id
"attachments" : [{ "fileName" : "atch01" //attachment file name
]} }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/createDocument

Creates a simple document. It is necessary that the document is in the folder upload user.

Suggestion: To upload the file using FTP: ftp://serverUrl:21

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"description" : "Simple document",                //document's description  
"parentId" : "8", //parent folder id
"attachments" : [{ "fileName" : "atch01" //attachment file name
]} }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}

POST /ecm/document/createFolder

Creates a simple folder. It is necessary that the document is in the folder upload user.

Suggestion: To upload the file using FTP: ftp://serverUrl:21

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"description" : "Simple document",//document's description  
"parentId" : "8" //parent folder id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/loggedUser

This method has been deprecated. As of release 1.5.0, replaced by /social/user/logged

Get information the user logged

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"            : 5,                             //user's id
 	"login"         : "adm",                         //user's login
 	"firstName"     : "Administrator",               //user's first name
 	"lastName"      : "of System",                   //user's last name
 	"fullName"      : "Administrator of System",     //user's full name
 	"email"         : "",               //user's email
 	"birthDay"      : "2014-01-01"                   //user's birthday
 	"tenantId"      : 1,                             //user's tenantId
 	"locationId"    : 1,                             //user's location
 	"tenantCode"    : "01",                          //user's tenant code
 	"userCode"      : "adm",                         //user's code
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/maxUploadSize

Get the max upload size parameter

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Max upload size

POST /ecm/document/notify

Registers the logged user to be notified about modifications in the given document.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id"      : "1",   //document id  
"version" : "1000" //document version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/permissions

Get information of permission of a documents list

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json array of DocumentVO (JSON) list DocumentVO

Request JSON (example):

 	"id" : "10" //document's id
 	"id" : "11" //document's id
 	"id" : "12" //document's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Document list

POST /ecm/document/remove

Removes a document or folder

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id" : "10" //document's id 
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /ecm/document/stopNotify

Unregisters the logged user as a document's follower. The user will no longer be notified about modifications on the document.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id"      : "1",   //document id  
"version" : "1000" //document version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/undoCheckout

Cancel check out of a document

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id" : "10", //id document 
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/updateDescription

Updates a document or folder.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id"          : "2",       //document's id 
"description" : "New Desc" //the new folder's description
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/updateDocumentFolder

Update a document or folder.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id"       : "2",       //document's id 
"parentId" : "56" //new parent id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/updateFile

Update a file

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json FileUploadData (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id"            : "2",               //document's id 
"version" : "1000", //document's version
"versionAction" : "NEW_VERSION", //if NEW_VERSION the version will be increased, NEW_REVISIO the revision will be increased or KEEP_VERSION the version will be maintained. It only works with mutable documents "fileName" : "Document.docx", //physical file name
"comments" : "My comments" //comments on document }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/uploadURL

Get the user upload url

In Fluig the upload process is done in two steps:

  1. User get URL of the repository link;
  2. With the URL, he sends the file and uploads it.
Important informations: Some information have to be set in request header for upload.
  1. Authorization: Is an information group required for server confirmation that you are really you. More information:
  2. Content-Type: Example: "image/jpeg", "application/xml", "application/ms-word"...
  3. Accept: "application/json";
  4. companyId: User's Company id . More information: http://yourserver/api/public/ecm/drive/config;
  5. userId: User's id. More information: http://yourserver/api/public/ecm/document/loggedUser;

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

URL for upload

GET /ecm/document/activeDocumentFile/{documentId}

This method has been deprecated. As of release 1.4.3-EP4, replaced by /public/ecm/document/downloadURL/{documentId}

Get active version document file

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/octet-stream object

Document file

Available Since

GET /ecm/document/activedocument/{documentId}

Get information metadata active document.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 	"accessCount"			  : 19								//number of hits in the document
 	"versionDescription"	  : ""								//version description
 	"colleagueName"		      : null							//colleague name
 	"phisicalFileSize"		  : 0.000102043						//file size
 	"favorite"				  : false							//is favorite
 	"articleContent"		  : null							//article content
 	"userAnswerForm"		  : true							//if have user answer form
 	"allowMuiltiCardsPerUser" : true							//if allow muilti cards per user
 	"expiredForm"			  : false							//if form has expired
 	"sociableDocumentDto"	  : null							//sociable document
 	"activeUserApprover"	  : null							//user approver
 	"fileURL"				  : "" //file url
 "message": ""}

GET /ecm/document/allDocumentHits/{documentId}

Returns all hits of all versions the given document.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) List long companyId; String colleagueId; int documentId; int version; String versionDescription; Calendar lastView; Calendar firstView;
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/cancelChunkedUpload/{uploadId}

Cancel a chunked upload, to delete files from the upload folder avoiding unnecessary storage.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
uploadId path
upload id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 	"content" : true
Available Since

POST /ecm/document/createDocument/{uploadId}

Creates a simple document. It is necessary that the document is in the folder upload user.

Important: Read upload process. http://yourserver/api/public/ecm/document/uploadURL

Suggestion: To upload the file using FTP: ftp://serverUrl:21

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
uploadId path
upload's id
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json DocumentVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"description" : "Simple document",                //document's description  
"parentId" : "8", //parent folder id
"attachments" : [{ "fileName" : "atch01" //attachment file name
]} }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/downloadURL/{documentId}

Get the user download url.

In Fluig the download process is done in two steps:

  1. User get URL of the document link;
  2. With the URL, he gets the file and download it.
Important informations: Some information have to be set in request header for download.
  1. Authorization: Is an information group required for server confirmation that you are really you. More information:
  2. Content-Type: Example: "image/jpeg", "application/xml", "application/ms-word"...

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id *
fileName query attached file name. Default: the main file name  
version query document's version. Default: active version int
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

URL for upload

GET /ecm/document/getDocumentByDatasetName/{datasetName}

Request Parameters
name type description
datasetName path
Dataset's Name
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
      	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
      	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
      	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
      	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
      	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
      	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
      	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
      	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
      	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
      	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
      	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
      	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
      	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
      	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
      	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
      	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
      	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
      	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
      	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
      	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
      	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
      	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
      	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
      	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
      	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
      	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
      	"attachments"             : [{
                                      		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
                                      		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
                                      		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
      	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
      	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}

 @since 1.5.0
 @throws Exception
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/getLastVersionNonDraft/{documentId}

Get latest non draft document's version.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"content" : "1000", //document's version
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/lastDocument/{documentId}

Get information document metadata.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/listDocument/{folderId}

Returns the list of itens of a given folder.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
folderId path
folder's id
limit query limit of returned items. Value default 20 20 required
offset query the offset. Value default 0 0 required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 {	"content": [{
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"downloadEnabled"         : true,                          //download is enabled for document

 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/listDocumentWithChildren/{folderId}

Returns the tree of folders and documents of a given folder. It's method so much util when you to want to download a folder with subfolders and documents.

Important: It isn't possible to list the root folder, because affect the performance of server.

Suggestion: For to list a folder's documents use the method listDocument/{folderId}.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
folderId path
folder's id
limit query limit of returned items. Value default 50 20 required
offset query the offset. Value default 0 0 required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 {	"content": [{
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 "message": ""}

GET /ecm/document/liveurl/{documentId}

Returns the URL to access the document content with security token.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json string (JSON)
The URL to access the document
Available Since

GET /ecm/document/{documentId}/{versionId}

Get information document metadata.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
versionId path
document's version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {
 	"id"                      : "10",                          //document's id
 	"version"                 : "1000",                        //document's version
 	"companyId"               : "22",                          //tenant's id
 	"type"                    : "2",                           //document's type
 	"description"             : "Sample document",             //document's description
 	"additionalComments"      : "comment",                     //document's comment
 	"colleagueId"             : "0988",                        //colleague id
 	"iconPath"                : "/webdesk/icone/icon-doc.png"  //icon document
 	"publisherId"             : "1114",                        //publisher id
 	"publisherName"           : "Administrador Adm",           //publisher name
 	"immutable"               :  false,                        //immutable
 	"createDate"              : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been created
 	"approvedDate"            : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has been approved
 	"expirationDate"          : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document will expire
 	"validationStartDate"     : "2014-11-22",                  //date the document has become valid
 	"lastModifiedDate"        : "2014-11-22",                  //date last time the document has been modified
 	"parentId"                : "10",                          //id of the parent folder
 	"activeVersion"           : true,                          //actual version of the document
 	"phisicalFile"            : "/home/doc.txt",               //phisical path
 	"securityLevel"           : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"onCheckout"              : false,                         //in checkout
 	"forApproval"             : false,                         //in approval
 	"removed"                 : false,                         //document was removed
 	"isPrivate                : false,                         //document is private
 	"crc                      : 5458495849,                    //document's crc
 	"userPermission"          : "1",                           //User permission  -1 - No permission, 0 - Reading, 1 - Writing, 2 - Modification, 3 - Total
 	"attachments"             : [{
 		"fileName"   : "att01"  //Attachment's name
 		"principal"  : "false"  //Indicates if this is the principal document
 		"attachment" : "true"   //Indicates if this is an attachment
 	"documentPropertyNumber"  : "10",                           //id of the parent form when the document is a record
 	"documentPropertyVersion" : "1000",                         //version of the parent form when the record was created
 	"accessCount"			  : 19								//number of hits in the document
 	"versionDescription"	  : ""								//version description
 	"colleagueName"		      : null							//colleague name
 	"phisicalFileSize"		  : 0.000102043						//file size
 	"favorite"				  : false							//is favorite
 	"articleContent"		  : null							//article content
 	"userAnswerForm"		  : true							//if have user answer form
 	"allowMuiltiCardsPerUser" : true							//if allow muilti cards per user
 	"expiredForm"			  : false							//if form has expired
 	"sociableDocumentDto"	  : null							//sociable document
 	"activeUserApprover"	  : null							//user approver
 	"fileURL"				  : "" //file url
 "message": ""}

GET /ecm/document/documentFileWithoutZip/{documentId}/{versionId}

Get document file of version specific, compressed in zip format

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
versionId path
document's version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/octet-stream object

Document file

GET /ecm/document/documentHitsByVersion/{documentId}/{version}

Returns the 30 first hits of the given document and returns total quantity of hits.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
version path
document's version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) HashMap - Index is "totalHits" and "hitsList"

GET /ecm/document/documentfile/{documentId}/{versionId}

Get document file of version specific.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
versionId path
document's version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/octet-stream object

Document file

GET /ecm/document/notifyList/{documentId}/{versionId}

Returns users that are being notified about the modifications on the given document.

Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
documentId path
document's id
versionId path
document's version
limit query limit the number of registers in the returned list 10 int
offset query defines the first registry in the returned list 0 int
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of UserVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id"          : "1",                 //user's id
 	"name"        : "John Fluig",        //user's name
 	"description" : "Software Engineer", //user's description
 	"alias"       : "john.fluig",        //user's alias
 	"lastUpdate"  : "100001582"          //last time the user has been updated (in miliseconds)

GET /ecm/document/documentFileThumbnail/{documentId}/{versionId}/{thumbnail}

Get thumbnail document of version specific.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
documentId path
document's id
thumbnail path
document's image size in pixel
versionId path
document's version
Response Body
media type data type description
application/octet-stream object

First request return document file, after twice return image document