CommunityServiceRest Resource


POST /social/community/addGroups

Add the users from the given group as participants to the given community.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json GroupsVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"communityAlias" : "community02",   //REQUIRED community's alias
 	"groupCodes" : ["group01", "group02"]   //REQUIRED alias of users to be included as community's participant
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /social/community/addParticipants

Add participants to the given community.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json AddParticipantsVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"communityAlias" : "community02",   //REQUIRED community's alias
 	"userAliases" : ["user01", "user02"]    //REQUIRED (alias, idpId or userCode) of users to be included as community's participant
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /social/community/changeImage

Change the communitys's image
Accepted media types: PNG, JPG, JPEG.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json Base64MediaVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"communityAlias" : "community01", //REQUIRED the community's alias
 	"base64media" : "4747545" //REQUIRED media's content in base64 format
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /social/community/create

This method has been deprecated. As of release 1.5.0, replaced by newCommunity

Creates a new community

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json CommunityVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alias" : "community02",    //REQUIRED community's alias
 	"name" : "Community 02",    //REQUIRED community's name
 	"description" : "This is the community 02", //REQUIRED community's description
 	"admin" : {
 		"id":"1", // The id of the admin user
 		"alias" // The alias of the admin user
 	}, //REQUIRED The user that is going to be the administrator of the created community
 	"hidden" : "false",     //Indicates if it will be a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false", //Indicates if the community's content will be private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true", //Indicates if it's necessary approval to join the community
 	"socialEcmVO" : {
 		"ecmVideoFolderId" : "9" //Folder's id where the video's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmPhotoFolderId" : "10" //Folder's id where the photo's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmDocumentFolderId" : "3" //Folder's id where the document's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmArticleFolderId" : "4" //Folder's id where the article's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmFormsFolderId" : "4" //Folder's id where the form's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmDocumentApplySecurity" : "true" //Indicates if document security validation should be applied
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
{"value" : "alias"}
Available Since

GET /social/community/listCommunities

List alll communities.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
limit query limit of records returned required
offset query the offset required
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"content": {[{
 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
 "message": ""}
Available Since

GET /social/community/listCommunitiesWithRelevance

List communities with relevance and ordenation type

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
orderType query selected order to return registers DEFAULT "ASC" or "DEFAULT" or "DESC" or "NEWEST" or "OLDER"
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/listFavoriteCommunitiesWithRelevance

List favorite communities with relevance and ordenation type

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
orderType query selected order to return registers DEFAULT "ASC" or "DEFAULT" or "DESC" or "NEWEST" or "OLDER"
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/listPagesWithComunities

Find fluig pages: send data query param

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
filter query
internalPages query selected also internalPages when true false boolean
isMobile query filter to search only mobile pages/comunities false boolean
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status, Object User
{ "content": [{ "pageId": 29, "pageIcon": "portal/api/servlet/image/1/page/pagefavorites.png", "title": "Documentos favoritos", "description": "Documentos favoritos", "searchLevel": 0, "pageCode": "pagefavorites", "children": [], "parentPageCode": "principalfavorites", "uri": "portal/p/1/pagefavorites", "friendlyURL": null }, { "pageId": 31, "pageIcon": "portal/api/servlet/image/1/page/pageprocessfavorites.png", "title": "Processos favoritos", "description": "Processos favoritos", "searchLevel": 0, "pageCode": "pageprocessfavorites", "children": [], "parentPageCode": "principalfavorites", "uri": "portal/p/1/pageprocessfavorites", "friendlyURL": null }, { "pageId": 33, "pageIcon": "portal/api/servlet/image/1/page/pagecontactfavorites.png", "title": "Contatos Favoritos", "description": "Contatos Favoritos", "searchLevel": 0, "pageCode": "pagecontactfavorites", "children": [], "parentPageCode": "principalfavorites", "uri": "portal/p/1/pagecontactfavorites", "friendlyURL": null }], "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since
in 1.5.0

POST /social/community/new

Creates a new community

Available Since
in 1.5.0
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json CommunityVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alias" : "community02",    //REQUIRED community's alias
 	"name" : "Community 02",    //REQUIRED community's name
 	"description" : "This is the community 02", //REQUIRED community's description
 	"admin" : {
 		"id":"1", // The id of the admin user
 		"alias" // The alias of the admin user
 	}, //REQUIRED The user that is going to be the administrator of the created community
 	"hidden" : "false",     //Indicates if it will be a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false", //Indicates if the community's content will be private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true", //Indicates if it's necessary approval to join the community
 	"socialEcmVO" : {
 		"ecmVideoFolderId" : "9" //Folder's id where the video's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmPhotoFolderId" : "10" //Folder's id where the photo's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmDocumentFolderId" : "3" //Folder's id where the document's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmArticleFolderId" : "4" //Folder's id where the article's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmFormsFolderId" : "4" //Folder's id where the form's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmDocumentApplySecurity" : "true" //Indicates if document security validation should be applied
 	"cloudCodes" : ["cliente","convidado"],
 	"addInCloud" : "true",     //Associate community admin with selected clouds
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")

POST /social/community/notify

Registers the logged user to be notified about new interactions in the given community.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json SocialVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alias" : "community-fluig" //community's alias (required)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /social/community/removeGroups

Remove the users from the given group as participants to the given community.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json GroupsVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"communityAlias" : "community02",   //REQUIRED community's alias
 	"groupCodes" : ["group01", "group02"]   //REQUIRED alias of users to be included as community's participant
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /social/community/request

Request participation in the community.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json RequestParticipationVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"communityAlias" : "community02",   //community's alias
 	"requesterAlias" : "user01" //alias of user that wants to enjoy the community
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /social/community/stopNotify

Unregisters the logged user as a community's follower. The user will no longer be notified about new community interactions. NOTE: This method does NOT remove the user as participant.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json SocialVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alias" : "community-fluig" //community's alias (required)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /social/community/update

Updates a community

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json CommunityVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alias" : "community02",    //REQUIRED community's alias
 	"name" : "Community 02",    //community's name
 	"description" : "This is the community 02", //community's description
 	"admin" : {
 		"id":"1", // The id of the admin user
 		"alias" // The alias of the admin user
 	}, //REQUIRED The user that is going to be the administrator of the created community
 	"hidden" : "false",     //Indicates if it will be a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false", //Indicates if the community's content will be private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true", //Indicates if it's necessary approval to join the community
 	"socialEcmVO" : [{
 		"ecmVideoFolderId" : "9" //Folder's id where the video's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmPhotoFolderId" : "10" //Folder's id where the photo's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmDocumentFolderId" : "3" //Folder's id where the document's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmArticleFolderId" : "4" //Folder's id where the article's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmFormsFolderId" : "4" //Folder's id where the form's community is stored. Set value = 0 to exclude association with folder
 		"ecmDocumentApplySecurity" : "true" //Indicates if document security validation should be applied
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"content": {{
 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"tenantId" : "1",       //Tenant' id
 	"creationDate" : "1441394384000",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"lastUpdateDate" : "1441394385000",    //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"alias" : "Community_Alias",       //Community's Alias
 	"name" : "Community_Name",         //Community's Name
 	"description" : "Community Description",  //Community's Description
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",      //indicates if this social is a COMMUNITY or USER
 	"state" : "ACTIVE", //indicates if this community is ACTIVE or INACTIVE
 	"hidden" : "false",     //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",            //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "false",    //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"customPage" : "true",   //indicates if this community has a custom page
 	"userAdmin" : {              //Admin object
 	"id" : "2",              //Admin's Id
 	"tenantId" : "1",        //Tenant's Id
 	"creationDate" : "1441390079000",      //date the user has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"lastUpdateDate" : "1441390423000",    //date of last time the user has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"alias" : "admin.fluig", //Admin's Alias
 	"name" : "Admin Fluig",  //Admin's Name
 	"description" : "Admin do Fluig",   //Admin's description
 	"type" : "USER",        //indicates if this social is a COMMUNITY or USER
 	"state" : "ACTIVE",     //indicates if the Admin is ACTIVE or INACTIVE
 	"resourceType" : "USER",  //indicates if the resource type is a COMMUNITY or USER
 	"resourceDescription" : "Resource for: admin.fluig",  //Resource description
 	"page" : "social/admin.fluig",    //Admin's Page
 	"securityCode":"admin.fluig_2"    //Admin's Security Page
 	"resourceType" : "COMMUNITY",  //indicates if the resource type is a COMMUNITY or USER
 	"resourceDescription" : "Resource for: Community_Alias",  //Resource description
 	"page" : "subject/Community_Alias",     //Community's Page
 	"visibility" : "PUBLIC",    //indicates the community's visibility, PUBLIC or PRIVATE
 	"securityCode" : "Community_Alias_8",   //Community's Security Page
 "message": ""}

GET /social/community/{alias}

This method has been deprecated. Use /v2/ instead.

Get a community by its alias

Request Parameters
name type description
alias path
the community's alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ExtendedCommunityVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE",             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
 	"document" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community document
 	"galleryPhoto" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community photo gallery
 	"galleryVideo" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community video gallery
 	"article" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community article
 	"form" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community form
 		"UserRamal":"11 1111111",
 		"UserProjects":"VP Fluig",
 		"UserSpecialization":"Programadora Java",
 		"UserEmailHTML":null} // User data
Available Since

POST /social/community/changeStatus/{alias}

Change the community status. If the community is Active becomes Inactive, if the community is Inactive becomes Active.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
alias path
the community's alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

GET /social/community/communitiesOrderFavorites/{genericId}

This method has been deprecated. Use /communitiesOrderFavorites/v2/ instead.

List communities ordered by favorites.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
limit query limit of records returned required
offset query the offset required
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of SocialVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/communityMember/{alias}

Returns if logged user is community participant.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
alias path
the community's alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json GenericVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"value" : "true"//community's status
Available Since

GET /social/community/enabled/{alias}

Returns if the community is active.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
alias path
the community's alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json GenericVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"value" : "true"//community's status

GET /social/community/image/{alias}

Returns the communitys's profile image based on its alias

Request Parameters
name type description
alias path
the communitys's alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/octet-stream object A application/octet-stream with the image file
Available Since

GET /social/community/listModeratorsWithRelevance/{alias}

Return list moderators of community with relevance and order type

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
alias path
the community's alias
limit query limit the number of registers in the returned list. Default value 20   required
offset query defines the first registry in the returned list. Default value 0   required
orderType query selected order to return registers DEFAULT "ASC" or "DEFAULT" or "DESC" or "NEWEST" or "OLDER"
pattern query User name used like filter. Empty value returns all users    
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",                               //user's id
 	"name" : "John Fluig",                   //user's name
 	"description" : "Software Engineer",      //user's description
 	"alias" : "john.fluig",                   //user's alias
 	"lastUpdate" : "100001582"                //last time the user has been updated (in miliseconds)
Available Since

GET /social/community/listMyCommunitiesWithRelevance/{genericId}

List my communities or communities where social is participant with relevance and ordenation type

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
orderType query selected order to return registers DEFAULT "ASC" or "DEFAULT" or "DESC" or "NEWEST" or "OLDER"
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",   //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/listMyCommunitiesWithRelevanceByLogin/{login}

List my communities or communities where social is participant with relevance and ordenation type

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
login path
User's login
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
orderType query selected order to return registers DEFAULT "ASC" or "DEFAULT" or "DESC" or "NEWEST" or "OLDER"
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",   //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/listParticipantsWithRelevance/{alias}

Get the participants of a community with relevance and ordenation type.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
alias path
the community's alias
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
orderType query selected order to return registers DEFAULT "ASC" or "DEFAULT" or "DESC" or "NEWEST" or "OLDER"
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/listPendingRequestsWithRelevance/{alias}

Get the users with pending request for a community with relevance and ordenation type.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
alias path
the community's alias
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
orderType query selected order to return registers DEFAULT "ASC" or "DEFAULT" or "DESC" or "NEWEST" or "OLDER"
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

[{ "id" : "1", //Community's id "name" : "Community 01",//community's name "description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description "alias" : "community01", //community's alias "type" : "COMMUNITY", //fixed "tenantId" : "22", //tenant's id "lastUpdate" : "10008520", //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds) "create" : "10008520", //date the community has been created (in miliseconds) "numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community "numberModerations" : "1", //number of the community's moderators "hidden" : "false", //indicates if it is a hidden community "privateContent" : "false", //indicates if community's content is private "approvalRequired" : "true", //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community "admin" : "true", //indicates if the current user is community's administrator "state" : "ACTIVE" //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED") }]
Available Since

GET /social/community/moderators/{alias}

List community moderators.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
alias path
the community's alias
limit query limit of records returned required
offset query the offset required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of SocialVO (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",     //User's id
 	"name" : "Moderator 01",//User's name
 	"description" : "Moderator 01 description",  //User's description
 	"alias" : "moderator01", //user's alias
 	"type" : "USER",    //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the user has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the user has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the communities the user is moderator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the user (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/notifyList/{alias}

Returns users that are being notified about the interactions in the given community.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
alias path
the community's alias
limit query limit the number of registers in the returned list 10 int
offset query defines the first registry in the returned list 0 int
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of UserVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",                               //user's id
 	"name" : "John Fluig",                   //user's name
 	"description" : "Software Engineer",      //user's description
 	"alias" : "john.fluig",                   //user's alias
 	"lastUpdate" : "100001582"                //last time the user has been updated (in miliseconds)
Available Since

GET /social/community/participants/{alias}

This method has been deprecated. Use /participants/v2/ instead.

Get the participants of a community.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
alias path
the community's alias
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of SocialVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
Available Since

GET /social/community/relationStatus/{aliasCommunity}

Return the status relation between the logged user and community

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
aliasCommunity path community alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"message" : "OK" // Messsage
Available Since

GET /social/community/v2/{alias}

Get a community by its alias

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
alias path
the community's alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 [{"content": {
 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE",             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
 	"document" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community document
 	"galleryPhoto" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community photo gallery
 	"galleryVideo" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community video gallery
 	"article" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community article
 	"form" : {
 		"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 		"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 		"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 		"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 		"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 		"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 		"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 		"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
 }, // Community form
 		"UserRamal":"11 1111111",
 		"UserProjects":"VP Fluig",
 		"UserSpecialization":"Programadora Java",
 		"UserEmailHTML":null} // User data
 }, //Response content
 "message": null} // Message if returns exception
Available Since

POST /social/community/{alias}/forceAllMembersWatch

Force all participants to watch the community

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
alias path community alias
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) List of users that has been forced to watch the community (users that was previously watching the community won't be listed)

	"content": [
       	"id": 4,
       	"name": "John Smith",
       	"lastName": null,
       	"fullName": null,
       	"description": null,
       	"alias": "john",
       	"type": "USER",
       	"tenantId": 1,
       	"tenantUUID": null,
       	"lastUpdate": 1423073061000,
       	"createDate": 1423073061000,
       	"customPage": false,
       	"email": null,
       	"numberFriends": 0,
       	"numberParticipations": 1,
       	"numberFollowing": 0,
       	"numberFollowers": 0,
       	"numberModerations": 0,
       	"isModerator": false,
       	"isAdmin": false,
       	"hidden": false,
       	"privateContent": false,
       	"favorite": false,
       	"approvalRequired": true,
       	"tenantAdmin": false,
       	"admin": null,
       	"state": "ACTIVE",
       	"ecmInfo": null,
       	"followerStatus": null,
       	"followingStatus": "NOT_RELATED",
       	"participantStatus": "ACCEPTED",
       	"userData": {
           	"email": ""
       	"page": "social/john"
       	"id": 5,
       	"name": "Jane Watson",
       	"lastName": null,
       	"fullName": null,
       	"description": null,
       	"alias": "jane",
       	"type": "USER",
       	"tenantId": 1,
       	"tenantUUID": null,
       	"lastUpdate": 1423073125000,
       	"createDate": 1423073125000,
       	"customPage": false,
       	"email": null,
       	"numberFriends": 0,
       	"numberParticipations": 2,
       	"numberFollowing": 0,
       	"numberFollowers": 0,
       	"numberModerations": 0,
       	"isModerator": false,
       	"isAdmin": false,
       	"hidden": false,
       	"privateContent": false,
       	"favorite": false,
       	"approvalRequired": true,
       	"tenantAdmin": false,
       	"admin": null,
       	"state": "ACTIVE",
       	"ecmInfo": null,
       	"followerStatus": null,
       	"followingStatus": "NOT_RELATED",
       	"participantStatus": "ACCEPTED",
       	"userData": {
           	"email": ""
       	"page": "social/jane"
	"message": null}
Available Since

POST /social/community/accept/{communityAlias}/{requesterGenericId}

Accept a solicitation of a user to join a community.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
communityAlias path
Alias of the community
requesterGenericId path
Alias of participation requester
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /social/community/addModerator/{communityAlias}/{genericId}

Add new moderator to community. Since 1.3.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
communityAlias path
the community's alias
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /social/community/changeAdmin/{communityAlias}/{genericId}

Change community administrator.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
communityAlias path
the community's alias
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

GET /social/community/communitiesOrderFavorites/v2/{genericId}

List communities ordered by favorites.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
limit query limit of records returned required
offset query the offset required
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 [{"content": {
 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
 }, //Response content
 "message": null} // Message if returns exception]

GET /social/community/folder/{alias}/{feature}

Returns the id of the folder used as storage of the given feature of a given community.

Request Parameters
name type description
alias path
community's alias
feature path
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json SocialDocsVO (JSON)

Response JSON (example):

 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"userId" : "1",             //the community's id
 	"spaceAlias" : "community1",//the community's alias
 	"socialFolderId" : "12",    //id of the folder used as storage for the given feature
 	"socialFolderDescription" : "Folder", //folder's description
 	"socialFolderEnabled" : "true",       //indicates if the feature is enabled for the community
 	"socialFolderSecurity" : "false",     //indicates if the security applied to the folder is the ECM's security(true value) or the community's security(false value)
 	"socialFolderWritePermission" : "true"//indicates if the current user has write permission in the folder
Available Since

GET /social/community/imageBySize/{alias}/{size}

Returns the communitys's profile image based on its alias and size

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
alias path
the communitys's alias
size path
image size. Possible values: 80|160|320|432|640|864|1060.
Response Body
media type data type description
application/octet-stream object A application/octet-stream with the image file
Available Since

GET /social/community/isCommunityAdmin/{aliasCommunity}/{genericId}

Verify if user is community admin

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
aliasCommunity path community alias
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"content" : "true", //If user is community admin
 	"message" : "OK" // Messsage
Available Since

GET /social/community/isCommunityModerator/{aliasCommunity}/{genericId}

Verify if teh logged user is community admin

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
aliasCommunity path community alias
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"content" : "true", //If user is community admin
 	"message" : "OK" // Messsage
Available Since

GET /social/community/participants/v2/{alias}

Get the participants of a community.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description default constraints
alias path
the community's alias
limit query limit of records returned   required
offset query the offset   required
pattern query filter to search  
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 [{"content": {
 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")
 }, //Response content
 "message": null} // Message if returns exception]
Available Since

POST /social/community/reject/{communityAlias}/{requesterGenericId}

Reject a solicitation of a user to join a community.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
communityAlias path
Alias of the community
requesterGenericId path
Alias of participation requester
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /social/community/removeModerator/{communityAlias}/{genericId}

Removes community moderator

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
communityAlias path
the community's alias
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /social/community/removeParticipant/{communityAlias}/{genericId}

Removes community participant.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
communityAlias path
the community's alias
genericId path
the user's generic identifier, can be (alias, idpId or userCode)
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

GET /social/community/comunity/participant/{communityId}/{pattern}

This method has been deprecated. on 1.3.0

Get the participants of a community.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
communityId path
the community's id
pattern path
filter to search
limit query limit of records returned required
offset query the offset required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of SocialVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1",             //Community's id
 	"name" : "Community 01",//community's name
 	"description" : "Community 01 description", //community's description
 	"alias" : "community01",    //community's alias
 	"type" : "COMMUNITY",       //fixed
 	"tenantId" : "22",          //tenant's id
 	"lastUpdate" : "10008520",  //date of last time the community has been modified (in miliseconds)
 	"create" : "10008520",      //date the community has been created (in miliseconds)
 	"numberParticipations" : "10", //number of users that participate of the community
 	"numberModerations" : "1",     //number of the community's moderators
 	"hidden" : "false",            //indicates if it is a hidden community
 	"privateContent" : "false",    //indicates if community's content is private
 	"approvalRequired" : "true",   //indicates if it is necessary approval to join the community
 	"admin" : "true",              //indicates if the current user is community's administrator
 	"state" : "ACTIVE"             //Indicates the status of the community (it can be "UNCONFIRMED", "ACTIVE", "BLOCKED" or "REMOVED")