CommunityRest Resource


Available Since

POST /2.0/communities/addUsers

Add an user to a community

Create a new community: fill object AddUserToCommunityVO

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json AddUserToCommunityVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

{ "communityAlias" : "community.alias", // community alias "userAliases" : ["user1","user2"] // user aliases }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status, successful message
{ "message": { "message": "User successfully added", "detail": "User successfully added", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

POST /2.0/communities/create

Create a community

Create a new community: fill object CommunityCreateVO

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json CommunityCreateVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

{ "alias" : "", // Alias Communit "name" : "Name Community Example", // Name Community "description" : "Description of community", // Community description "adminAlias" : "", // User Admin Alias "hidden" : "false", // Community must be hidden "privateContent" : "false", // The community has private content "approvalRequired" : "false", // If is necessary to approve actions "createForum" : "false", // If is necessary to create forum in the community }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status, successful message
{ "content": { "id": 162, "alias": "alias.community1436203427286", "name": "Community Name", "description": "Community Description", "adminAlias": "fluig.user", "hidden": false, "privateContent": false, "approvalRequired": false, "ecmInfo": null }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

POST /2.0/communities/disablePostEditionAllCommunities

Disbale edition post in all communities

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /2.0/communities/update

update a community

Create a new community: fill object CommunityCreateVO

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json CommunityCreateVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

{ "alias" : "", // Alias Communit "name" : "Name Community Example", // Name Community "description" : "Description of community", // Community description "adminAlias" : "", // User Admin Alias "hidden" : "false", // Community must be hidden "privateContent" : "false", // The community has private content "approvalRequired" : "false", // If is necessary to approve actions, "createForum" : "false", // If is necessary to create forum in the community }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status, successful message
{ "content": { "id": 162, "alias": "alias.community1436203427286", "name": "Community Name", "description": "Community Description", "adminAlias": "fluig.user", "hidden": false, "privateContent": false, "approvalRequired": false, "ecmInfo": null }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }
Available Since

POST /2.0/communities/addUser/{communityId}

This method has been deprecated. As of release 1.5.9, replaced by addUsers

Add User

Add an user to a community

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
communityId path
Community Id
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json string (JSON)
Alias Community community_alias_name
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status, successful message
{ "content": { "id": 126, "alias": "alias.community1435934217949", "name": "Community Name", "description": "Community Description", "adminAlias": "fluig.user", "hidden": false, "privateContent": false, "approvalRequired": false, "ecmInfo": null }, "message": { "message": "OK", "detail": "OK", "type": "INFO" } }