AlertServiceRest Resource


POST /alert/customEmailSender

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json string (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"to" : ";", //emails of recipients separated by ";"
 	"from" : "", // sender
 	"subject" : "teste", //   subject
 	 "templateId" : "teste", // Email template Id previously registered
 	 "dialectId"  : "pt_BR", //Email dialect , if not informed receives pt_BR , email dialect ("pt_BR", "en_US", "es")
 	 "param" : {} //  Map with variables to be replaced in the template
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/action/execute

This method has been deprecated. Use /action/execute/v2 instead.

Execute an action of an alert.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json AlertActionVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id" : "10" // the action id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
A plain boolean value that indicates if the action has been executed successfully
Available Since

GET /alert/alerts/countUnread

This method has been deprecated. Use /alerts/countUnread/v2 instead.

Counts the unread alerts.

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
A plain numeric value

GET /alert/appSender/findVoList

List the applications that send alerts.

Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of AlertAppSenderVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "7", // application sender id
 	"applicationKey" : "PROCESSOS", // application unique key
 	"description" : "Processos", // application description
 	"tenantId" : "1" // the tenant id

POST /alert/appSender/registerApp

This method has been deprecated. on 1.3.6

Register an application to send alerts.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json RegisterApplicationVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"applicationKey" : "SampleApp", // Application logic name. Unique key for system identification.
 	"descriptionKey" : "SampleApp", // key for search a description in I18n
 	"jndiName" : "java:global/system/module/submodule/Class" // JNDI to do the lookup to EJB that implements AlertSenderApp interface.
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /alert/appSender/registerApplication

Register an application to send alerts.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json RegisterApplicationVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"applicationKey" : "SampleApp", // Application logic name. Unique key for system identification.
 	"descriptionKey" : "SampleApp", // key for search a description in I18n
 	"jndiName" : "java:global/system/module/submodule/Class" // JNDI to do the lookup to EJB that implements AlertSenderApp interface.
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

GET /alert/application/actives

Return all actives sender applications.

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"content":[{"id":4044,"applicationKey":"FLUIG_ALERT_CENTRAL","description":"Fluig","tenantId":1}], // Sender application
 	"message": "OK" // Messsage

POST /alert/application/enable

Activate or disable an application.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json ActivateApplicationVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"appKey" : "EVT-KEY", // Unique key that represents the application
 	"active" : "true" // Indicates if this application will be enable or disable
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /alert/event/changeStatus

Activate or disable an event.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json ActivateEventVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"eventKey" : "EVT-KEY", // Unique key that represents the event
 	"active" : "true" // Indicates if this event will be enable or disable
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/event/createEvent

It creates a new event to generate alerts and also creates default configuration for all users who matter use this event
OBS: Only tenant administrator user is allowed to call this procedure.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json CreateEventVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"eventKey" : "EVT-KEY", // Unique key that represents the event
 	"required" : "false", // It indicates if this event is required. If true, the user cannot configure to do not receive alerts about this event
 	"descriptionKey" : "EVT-KEY-DESC", // Key used to obtain the description in I18n
 	"singleDescriptionKey" : "EVT-KEY-SINGLE-DESC", // Key used to obtain the description of the user's action in I18n
 	"groupDescriptionKey" : "EVT-KEY-GROUP-DESC", // Key used to obtain the description of the multi user's action in I18n
 	"eventIcon" : "", // the event icon
 	"moduleId" : "Processos", // Module of this event belongs
 	"grouped" : "false", // It indicates if the alert can be grouped by action and object
 	"canRemove" : "false", // It indicates if the alert can be removed
 	"removeAfterExecAction" : "true", // It indicates if the alert will be removed after execute the action
 	"onlyAdmin" : "false", // It indicates if this event is valid only for admin users
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/event/enable

This method has been deprecated. on 1.3.6

Activate or disable an event.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json ActivateEventVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"eventKey" : "EVT-KEY", // Unique key that represents the event
 	"active" : "true" // Indicates if this event will be enable or disable
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

GET /alert/event/eventsByModule

Returns the alert events of a given module.

Request Parameters
name type description
moduleKey query
module's key
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of AlertEventVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "8", // Event id
 	"eventKey" : "EVT-KEY", // Unique key that represents the event
 	"descriptionKey" : "EVT-KEY-DESC", // Key used to obtain the description in I18n
 	"singleDescriptionKey" : "EVT-KEY-SINGLE-DESC", // Key used to obtain the description of the user's action in I18n
 	"groupDescriptionKey" : "EVT-KEY-GROUP-DESC", // Key used to obtain the description of the multi user's action in I18n
 	"icon" : "", // the event icon
 	"grouped" : "false", // It indicates if the alert can be grouped by action and object
 	"canRemove" : "false", // It indicates if the alert can be removed
 	"onlyAdmin" : "false", // It indicates if this event is valid only for admin users
 	"module" : {
 		"id" : "1", // the module id
 		"moduleKey" : "MOD-KEY", // unique key of the module
 		"description" : "description Module", // the module description
 		"tenantId" : "1" // the tenant id
 	} // Module of this event belongs

POST /alert/module/create

It creates a new module to group alert events. Note: Only an user with admin privileges can execute this method.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json CreateModuleVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"moduleKey" : "MOD-KEY", // Unique key that represents the module.
 	"descriptionKey" : "module.custom.description" //The description key. If a key is given, it should be registered in the i18n service to be translated according to user's language. This attribute can be a plain text. In this case, the module's name will not be translated.
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

GET /alert/module/findVoList

Lists the alert modules.

Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of AlertModuleVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1", // Module's id
 	"moduleKey" : "PROCESSOS", // module's key
 	"description" : "Processos", // module's description
 	"tenantId" : "1" // the tenant id
Available Since

GET /alert/service/countGroupedUnreadAlerts

This method has been deprecated. Use /service/countGroupedUnreadAlerts/v2 instead.

Counts the unread alerts grouped by modules for the logged user.

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"name" : "COLABORATION",       // Name of the group
 	"description" : "COLABORATION",            // Description of the group
 	"quantity" : "12"  // Quantity of alerts of the group

GET /alert/service/countUnreadAlerts

This method has been deprecated. on 1.3.0

Counts the unread alerts.

Response Body
media type data type description
application/json number (JSON)
A plain numeric value

GET /alert/service/findAll

This method has been deprecated. Use /service/findAll/v2 instead.

It gets all the alerts ordered by creation date

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
limit query limit of records returned required
offset query the offset required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of AlertVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1", // Alert's id
 	"senders" : [{
 		"id": "1",
 		"login" : "user.login",
 		"fullName" : "The Full User Name"
 	}], // It represents the senders
 	"event" : {
 		"id" : "2", // Event's id
 		"eventKey" : "EV-KEY", // The key if the event
 		"description" : "KEY-GENERATED", // event description
 		"singleDescription" : "Single Desc", // the single description
 		"groupDescription" : "Group Desc", // the group description
 		"icon" : "/home/icons/", // icon path
 		"grouped" : "false", // if is grouped
 		"canRemove" : "false", // if can be removed
 		"onlyAdmin" : "false", // if is only for Admins
 		"module" : {
 			"id" : "3", // module's id
 			"moduleKey" : "MOD-KEY", // The Module Key
 			"description" : "Description 003", // The module description
 		} // module object
 	}, // event object
 	"object" : {
 		"id" : "4", // the alert object id
 		"objectId" : "004", // the object identifier
 		"objectClass" : "com.fluig.alert.Class", // the object class full name
 		"typeDescription" : "Desc 004", // type description
 		"description" : "Desc 004", // description
 		"objectDetail" : "", // details
 		"link" : "" // object link
 		"note" : "" // the alert note
 	}, // it represents an object alert embedded in an alert
 	"place" : {
 		"id" : "4", // the alert object id
 		"objectId" : "004", // the object identifier
 		"objectClass" : "com.fluig.alert.Class", // the object class full name
 		"typeDescription" : "Desc 004", // type description
 		"description" : "Desc 004", // description
 		"objectDetail" : "", // details
 		"link" : "" // object link
 		"note" : "" // the alert note
 	}, // it represents an object place embedded in an alert
 	"read" : "true", // if this alert was read
 	"canRemove" : "true", // if this alert can be removed
 	"creationDate" : "01/01/2014", // the creation date of the alert
 	"currentDate" : "20/01/2014", // the current date
 	"actions" : [{
 		"id" : "5", // the action id
 		"actionKey" : "ACT-KEY", // the key action
 		"url" : "", // the url of the action
 		"httpMethod" : "POST", // the http method
 		"description" : "Action 005", // The action description
 		"descriptionAfterExec" : "Action 005e", // The action description after execution
 		"actionType" : "MAIN", // the type of the action. it can be MAIN or DEFAULT
 		"executed" : "true", // if the action was executed
 		"type" : "HTTP", // the type of the action. it can be JMS, HTTP or NONE.
 	}],	// the action object list

POST /alert/service/markAllAsRead

This method has been deprecated. Use /service/markAllAsRead/v2 instead.

Marks all logged user's alerts as read.

Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/service/markAsRead

This method has been deprecated. Use /service/markAsRead/v2 instead.

Marks the given alerts as read.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json MarkAlertAsReadVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alertsId" : ["1","2"], //REQUIRED the id alerts list
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/service/removeAlert

Removes the given alert.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json RemoveAlertVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alertId" : "1", //REQUIRED the id alert
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/service/removeAlerts

This method has been deprecated. Use /service/removeAlerts/v2 instead.

Removes the given alerts.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json RemoveAlertsVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alertsId" : ["1","2"], // REQUIRED the id alerts list
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/service/sendAlert

This method has been deprecated. 1.3.6

Sends an alert.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json SendAlertVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"eventKey" : "EVT-KEY", //REQUIRED String that represents the event who generates the alert
 	"loginReceiver" : "placido.domingos", //REQUIRED User login (alias, idpId or userCode) who will receive the alert
 	"object" : {
 		"alertObjectId" : "1", // the object id
 		"alertObjectClass" : "com.fluig.Class", // the object class full name
 		"alertObjectTypeDescriptionKey" : "com.fluig.Class.descKey", // the key for search the object description in I18n
 		"alertObjectDescription" : "description 001", // the object description showed in the alert
 		"alertObjectLink" : "", // the link to access the object
 		"alertObjectDetailKey" : "" //
 		"alertObjectNote" : "" // the alert note
 	}, // object used for alert
 	"place" : {
 		"alertObjectId" : "1", // the object id
 		"alertObjectClass" : "com.fluig.Class", // the object class full name
 		"alertObjectTypeDescriptionKey" : "com.fluig.Class.descKey", // the key for search the object description in I18n
 		"alertObjectDescription" : "description 001", // the object description showed in the alert
 		"alertObjectLink" : "", // the link to access the object
 		"alertObjectDetailKey" : "" //
 		"alertObjectNote" : "" // the alert note
 	}, // object used for place
 	"actions" : [{
 		"id" : "5", // the action id
 		"actionKey" : "ACT-KEY", // the key action
 		"url" : "", // the url of the action
 		"httpMethod" : "POST", // the http method
 		"description" : "Action 005", // The action description
 		"descriptionAfterExec" : "Action 005e", // The action description after execution
 		"actionType" : "MAIN", // the type of the action. it can be MAIN or DEFAULT
 		"executed" : "true", // if the action was executed
 		"type" : "HTTP" // the type of the action. it can be JMS, HTTP or NONE.
 	}],	// the action object list
 	"metadata" : {"KEY" : "VALUE"} // is a key-value map-list for metadata
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /alert/service/sendNotification

Sends a notification.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json SendAlertVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

{ "eventKey" : "LIKE", //REQUIRED String that represents the event who generates the alert "loginReceiver" : "placido.domingos", //REQUIRED User login (alias, idpId or userCode) who will receive the alert "priority" : "NORMAL", // Options: NONE (Doesn't send notification), LOW, NORMAL and HIGH "object" : { // the object of the alert, such as document, post, image or process "alertObjectId" : "1", // the unique id number of the object "alertObjectTypeDescriptionKey" : "Contract", // description of the object type "alertObjectDescription" : "Agreement document", // the object description showed in the alert "alertObjectLink" : "/ecmnavigation?app_ecm_navigation_doc=7", // the link to access the object "alertObjectDetailKey" : "from last Monday", // (OPTIONAL) details of the key "alertObjectNote" : "Approved by the board members" // (OPTIONAL) the object note for extra information, it allows up to 600 characters }, "place" : { // (OPTIONAL) where the alert took action, such as communities, timeline, and so on... "alertObjectId" : "1", // the unique id number of the object "alertObjectDescription" : "ECM", // where the notification took place "alertObjectLink" : "/ecmnavigation", // the link to access the place where the notification took place "alertObjectDetailKey" : "In the folder 'contracts'" }, "metadata" : {"FIRST-NAME" : "JOHNNY", "SURNAME" : "DEEP"} // (OPTIONAL) is a key-value map-list for metadata. Such metadata are used for the Central Alert, like SMS' and E-mails }
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON) This method just return HTTP 200 status

POST /alert/action/execute/v2

Execute an action of an alert.

Request Body
media type data type description
application/json AlertActionVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"id" : "10" // the action id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
A plain boolean value that indicates if the action has been executed successfully
Available Since

GET /alert/alerts/countUnread/v2

Counts the unread alerts.

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 {"content": {
 "1" //Count
 }, "message": null // Message if returns exception
Available Since

GET /alert/application/isActive/{appKey}

Return if the application sender is active.

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description
appKey path Application key
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"content" : "true", // The opitions are true and false
 	"message" : "OK" // Messsage

GET /alert/sender/findSenders/{alertId}

Lists the users who have sent an alert

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
alertId path
alert's id
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json array of AlertSenderVO (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1", // Send Alert's id
 	"user" : {
 		"id" : "4", // user id
 		"login" : "placido.domingos", // user login
 		"fullName" : "Placido Domingos" // user full name
 	}, // user object
 	"creationDate" : "01/01/2014", // alert creation date
 	"via" : "" // TODO
Available Since

GET /alert/service/countGroupedUnreadAlerts/v2

Counts the unread alerts grouped by modules for the logged user.

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 {"content": {
 	"name" : "COLABORATION",       // Name of the group
 	"description" : "COLABORATION",            // Description of the group
 	"quantity" : "12"  // Quantity of alerts of the group
 }, //Response content
 "message": null}
Available Since

GET /alert/service/findAll/v2

It gets all the alerts ordered by creation date

Available Since
Request Parameters
name type description constraints
limit query limit of records returned required
offset query the offset required
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

Response List of JSON (example):

 [{"content": {
 	"id" : "1", // Alert's id
 	"senders" : [{
 		"id": "1",
 		"login" : "user.login",
 		"fullName" : "The Full User Name"
 	}], // It represents the senders
 	"event" : {
 		"id" : "2", // Event's id
 		"eventKey" : "EV-KEY", // The key if the event
 		"description" : "KEY-GENERATED", // event description
 		"singleDescription" : "Single Desc", // the single description
 		"groupDescription" : "Group Desc", // the group description
 		"icon" : "/home/icons/", // icon path
 		"grouped" : "false", // if is grouped
 		"canRemove" : "false", // if can be removed
 		"onlyAdmin" : "false", // if is only for Admins
 		"module" : {
 			"id" : "3", // module's id
 			"moduleKey" : "MOD-KEY", // The Module Key
 			"description" : "Description 003", // The module description
 		} // module object
 	}, // event object
 	"object" : {
 		"id" : "4", // the alert object id
 		"objectId" : "004", // the object identifier
 		"objectClass" : "com.fluig.alert.Class", // the object class full name
 		"typeDescription" : "Desc 004", // type description
 		"description" : "Desc 004", // description
 		"objectDetail" : "", // details
 		"link" : "" // object link
 	}, // it represents an object alert embedded in an alert
 	"place" : {
 		"id" : "4", // the alert object id
 		"objectId" : "004", // the object identifier
 		"objectClass" : "com.fluig.alert.Class", // the object class full name
 		"typeDescription" : "Desc 004", // type description
 		"description" : "Desc 004", // description
 		"objectDetail" : "", // details
 		"link" : "" // object link
 	}, // it represents an object place embedded in an alert
 	"read" : "true", // if this alert was read
 	"canRemove" : "true", // if this alert can be removed
 	"creationDate" : "01/01/2014", // the creation date of the alert
 	"currentDate" : "20/01/2014", // the current date
 	"actions" : [{
 		"id" : "5", // the action id
 		"actionKey" : "ACT-KEY", // the key action
 		"url" : "", // the url of the action
 		"httpMethod" : "POST", // the http method
 		"description" : "Action 005", // The action description
 		"descriptionAfterExec" : "Action 005e", // The action description after execution
 		"actionType" : "MAIN", // the type of the action. it can be MAIN or DEFAULT
 		"executed" : "true", // if the action was executed
 		"type" : "HTTP", // the type of the action. it can be JMS, HTTP or NONE.
 	}], // the action object list
 }, //Response content
 "message": null} // Message if returns exception]

GET /alert/service/findById/{alertId}

/** Finds an alert by its id.

Request Parameters
name type description constraints
alertId path - id do alerta long
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json AlertVO (JSON)

Alert Object of JSON (example):

 	"id" : "1", // Alert's id
 	"senders" : [{
 		"id": "1",
 		"login" : "user.login",
 		"fullName" : "The Full User Name"
 	}], // It represents the senders
 	"event" : {
 		"id" : "2", // Event's id
 		"eventKey" : "EV-KEY", // The key if the event
 		"description" : "KEY-GENERATED", // event description
 		"singleDescription" : "Single Desc", // the single description
 		"groupDescription" : "Group Desc", // the group description
 		"icon" : "/home/icons/", // icon path
 		"grouped" : "false", // if is grouped
 		"canRemove" : "false", // if can be removed
 		"onlyAdmin" : "false", // if is only for Admins
 		"module" : {
 			"id" : "3", // module's id
 			"moduleKey" : "MOD-KEY", // The Module Key
 			"description" : "Description 003", // The module description
 			"tenantId" : "1" // The Tenant Id
 		} // module object
 	}, // event object
 	"object" : {
 		"id" : "4", // the alert object id
 		"objectId" : "004", // the object identifier
 		"objectClass" : "com.fluig.alert.Class", // the object class full name
 		"typeDescription" : "Desc 004", // type description
 		"description" : "Desc 004", // description
 		"objectDetail" : "", // details
 		"link" : "" // object link
 		"note" : "", // the alert note
 	}, // it represents an object alert embedded in an alert
 	"place" : {
 		"id" : "4", // the alert object id
 		"objectId" : "004", // the object identifier
 		"objectClass" : "com.fluig.alert.Class", // the object class full name
 		"typeDescription" : "Desc 004", // type description
 		"description" : "Desc 004", // description
 		"objectDetail" : "", // details
 		"link" : "" // object link
 		"note" : "", // the alert note
 	}, // it represents an object place embedded in an alert
 	"read" : "true", // if this alert was read
 	"canRemove" : "", // if this alert can be removed
 	"creationDate" : "", // the creation date of the alert
 	"currentDate" : "", // the current date
 	"actions" : [{
 		"id" : "5", // the action id
 		"actionKey" : "ACT-KEY", // the key action
 		"url" : "", // the url of the action
 		"httpMethod" : "POST", // the http method
 		"description" : "Action 005", // The action description
 		"descriptionAfterExec" : "Action 005e", // The action description after execution
 		"actionType" : "MAIN", // the type of the action. it can be MAIN or DEFAULT
 		"executed" : "true", // if the action was executed
 		"type" : "HTTP", // the type of the action. it can be JMS, HTTP or NONE.
 	}],	// the action object list
Available Since

POST /alert/service/markAllAsRead/v2

Marks all logged user's alerts as read.

Available Since
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)

 This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /alert/service/markAsRead/v2

Marks the given alerts as read.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json MarkAlertAsReadVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alertsId" : ["1","2"], //REQUIRED the id alerts list
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status
Available Since

POST /alert/service/removeAlerts/v2

Removes the given alerts.

Available Since
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json RemoveAlertsVO (JSON)

Request JSON (example):

 	"alertsId" : ["1","2"], // REQUIRED the id alerts list
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json object (JSON)
This method just return HTTP 200 status